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What else could management do for the sh?

I'm looking, and I see cuu have cash since the back in. Management has given us a dividend to help us i have not forgotten. to challenge general ledgers theory things go up in price with time a quick arguement is our stock price isn't, it's getting cheaper with the passing months. ( I'm holding onto a hope Of optimism but the market is the reality here). . Hmmm. Quick optics. Arizona isn't worth a penny under this managemen unless a schaft creek deal makes us lots of money for the time this has taken. Case and point. I do not see the venture tsx giving us any middle ground on this. My strategy is I'm in til the end however I feel like many CUU is still a very high risk play because a) management has shifted from the initial mission statement and goals, b) management does not distribute info with the public properly c) there hasn't been a buy back of shares d) timelines have been missed to many times to be ignored. I'm with everyone else management minus one haven't sold a share this year but is that enough. For those who talk with the CEO on a regular basis, why hasnt there been talk of a share buy back now we are so cheap, and our sp make believe our evaluation may just be collectively in a spiral nose dive. Save us. Could a share buy back increase the stock holder confidence raising the value of our share price. keep in mind it didn't take management long to issue more share to raise money. The majority of shareholders I believe are more interested in our current sp and evaluation and Limitted interested in future projects when shaft creek has done little to satisfy the appetite of this shareholder. Schaft creek was to be sold last year this time. We all thought it What are your thoughts? Could a buy back help or hinder us?

almost 11 years ago
Forgive me I haven't called ES but what's with the money

It wasn't long ago when I was calling cuu asking why I cannot take part in buying up discounted shares when they were trying to raise money. EE who really was an u/known at the time was gobbling them up. Ok. I kept buying at full market value. On the mission plan and goals there was no mention of any strategy of buying in Arizona just a develop and sell game. A junior philosophy one might say. Now we have more money in the bank than the venture tsx gives us credit for in sp. most have held considerable amounts of time. This jv is a fail considering the initial mission. I'm at my wits end hearing how the market doesn't get us. The truth is its managements job to push the sp not sit back and take individual calls and explain to each one instead of doing your job. I can't call up CEOs of Starbucks ford and definitely not Lindsay and steal an hour of QnA. My last beef is this abunance of money. If we are sitting on enough money to fund the Arizona projects for years to come I best be seeing another dividend. This is getting to be ridiculous. Pay me in dividend cause you have it, and management sure is not doing a thing about the sp.

almost 11 years ago
Wow, I'm frustrated. Tck cripples junior stock with a choke hold

Im stuck in the mud. Why would anyone invest in a junior explorer again after the most popular stock on venture has been disrespected by TCK. And before you defend Tck, the sp is the proof of what they have done to us. After this if I see tck's name anywhere near a stock I will just walk. It was their name that kept me here. Now it's poverty that keeps me here. What a bad investment so far. I was led astray with tck's interest, and the mission statement to sell not this jv business. It is getting awfully close to start seeking counsel to defend my interests. We should all feel betrayed. FYI this is not a bash. This post could not possibly affect the sp now.

almost 11 years ago
23 month anniversary agora com

It is hard to believe that in one month we all migrated over to 2 years ago. What has happened? The tales and dreams and wishes got better and the stock price got worse. The management plan back then was clear to me. Get the project to where there is a positive feasability and sell it. Hold on Tck has first right to refusal with a back in agreement. Well we have had a positive feasabilty since Xmas last year, a Tck back in but no sale of project. Not even a whisper. We longs have all invested with the goal of profiting from the sale. Mind you management has made no news release they are looking for buyers, and no information has been released as to the intentions of the money if and when a sale occurs seeing there are other interests including Arizona. Now we lose another 18%. I hate to say it but the mega posters from oct 2011 have been absent from the board. What else could I be waiting for? Oh ya buyout hmmmm.

almost 11 years ago
Re: What do foxes do with a den full of money?

Like I was saying it is not a fortune but a good reminder from management that we are here feeling the same pain. Ps maybe they could cancel one of there "mining conferences" they so faithfully attend to drop the sp.

about 11 years ago
Re: What do foxes do with a den full of money?

Thank you van, when you say someone, who is that.i have seen not one thing to address how investors will be compensated from management, only speculation. While they are sitting on their thumbs considering its teck's show now following the the back in maybe ES can throw a little gravy our way. 25 cents a share would be a good start since they did run our price down with their delays. A Nice little dividend. We are well over due.

about 11 years ago
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