rennie69's Profile

Amateur investor, I read a lot, I know a little.

rennie69's Posts

Re: More News ..details - natural vs. artificial

Peter Shush... tranquille has a lot of money wrapped up in that company, don't argue his DD provided by Fisker.

almost 8 years ago
Re: News from Mara S. Today

Fluffy was on the market today buying!!

All the stops.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Are Fluffy's friends

Fluff I think the combination of news and Mara continuing to educate the investment community will positively influence our share price through December setting up for a PFS release early in the new year that uses numbers in-line with nano graphite and graphene.

Opening the joint company NewCo should be enough of a hint to investors of what's to come, no reading between the lines required. Larisplast intentions are plainly written:

"Upon successful completion of pilot plant testing, the Agreement contemplates the formation of a new corporation (‘Newco’) jointly owned (50/50) by Zenyatta and Larisplast for the purposes of marketing this new specialized admixture product globally. Zenyatta would be the exclusive provider of purified graphite to Newco and any other party working with Larisplast on this technology."

ZEN to Twen ty...

almost 8 years ago
Re: There is a sea change going on at Zenyatta

"I don't believe chief ever said he would lie to gain advantage, and I don't think he would."

Pubic Disclaimer

“This story has been endorsed written and paid for by the Chief.”

about 8 years ago
Re: It's Marbelous

Lizz you've obviously been around a while, great little bit of info there. Many investors enjoy success knowing the market is not always right.

These two individuals have never posted “any” positive progress by Zenyatta. Their posts have to do with “saving the rest of us from losing our shirts.” Personally I own quite a few shirts and am grateful for that.

Some out there think Musky's numbers may be skewed however the numbers were given by Telga - Musky just provided an example.

Wishfulthinker and tranquille believe the market is right and ZEN’s graphite is worth approx $28.00 per ton. “I think that helps explain the altruistic mentality of the two Fluffy had referred to.”

A company builds a pilot plant because they’ve proven they can economically reach the desired output and are ready to scale up the process. A pilot plant is being built. We know ZEN has approx 2 tons of graphite on hand and I’d imagine this will be enough for initial processing by the new plant. If they can command anything in the neighbourhood of what Telga is expecting to earn per ton – that would be incredibly exciting. I’d suspect much of this will go to NDA’s “especially Lariplast” as they will need enough for dispersion into concrete for their testing phase.

The cat is very patient when hunting for birds.

about 8 years ago
Re: It's Marbelous

You are not paying attention, they are moving past bench scale.

about 8 years ago
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