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Re: Its all in the game

And for those of you who unsure of how to follow Sheldon/Pinetree. Go to the SEDI website.

All of the transactions are listed. I have found it to be a great tool when choosing my next junior to look at. You can never do enough DD.

over 9 years ago
Re: Its all in the game

You are more then welcome. I for the most part do not post on these boards, but I read them.

I will always follow the juniors looking for that 10 bagger. I always make sure to look at what pinetree is doing. Not so much as to what they buy, more to what they put on a fire sale when they have financial troubles. It seems to plague them.

My theory is that they do their homework and invest in pretty half decent companies. The juniors love them for that. They are a big source of capital.

They seem to run into trouble every once and a while. Thats when you buy.

STA was especially interesting to me because of two things...after I researched it.

Pinetree drove them into the floor in December. Thats number one.

After more research, they have a great hand into the Cote mine with a position that is very similar to the one that occurred with the ROF and Chromite. KWG,Spider and Probe.

Cliffs was landlocked and chose only to take out Spider.

Cote is landlocked by only STA. Do your DD on that and look at the results of last December.

Its a perfect storm.

I have never pumped a stock before, other than PRB.

I actually enjoyed the years here reading and got to see everyones personalities come out. It was great to see that it wentfrom a ROF stock to this.

Just wanted to pass this along. I had never heard of Pinetree before what they did to PRB.

I now learned, they are a great investment tool.

over 9 years ago
Its all in the game

Like I have said,

I didnt post here for a few years, but have read, and have been around for a long time. Whether it was the Edmonton Oiler poster whining when pinetree was dumping or Catso continually adding 100 shares here and there. I remember when Stainless started posting(great avatar). Its all been good. The shorts helped start the PSU.

I have read the other board and wanted to destroy Spacecowboy and his shorting. Hopefully he was still holding.

The bottom line is that we have an offer that appears will not be challenged. Its not any near as bad as an RR or Trelawney offer. Its not the $10+ we all wanted. Its not terrible.

And the reality is...Its done.

We get some control here, and we get a new company. People here can sell now for around $5.30. Not terrible.

I trust Dave, have met Dave and am fully confident in his intentions. I look forward to his next move.

In the mean time, one thing I have learned here is how to watch the institutional play that has such an effect on the game. In particular I watch Pinetree and Sheldon.

At any given time, they are invested in 50+ juniors.

For those of you who were not here, He drove us under a dollar constantly as he had to dump PRB to solve his companies solvency problems. It had nothing to do with the viability of PRB. We got through it.

It drove everyone here on this board crazy. Its all part of the game in investing in juniors.

We are at a very good point in time here. It will not get better than this....BUt

I do follow what Pinetree is up to. They just ran into problems again in December and I have checked on SEDI to see who they were dumping this time.

My two best picks on that are STA(JV with Trelawney and now IMG) and GCU. You can see there trading patterns in early December. Same as they did to PRB.

Thought I would pass that along for those that are looking for a new game.

over 9 years ago
Re: U.S. holders getting jabbed with a weak Canadian $

U.S. Holders only get jabbed now if they sell.

U.S. Holders are all getting jabbed right now on any Canadian stock they own.

U.S. Holders will not get jabbed until they sell period.

I am not sure why there is such negativity here with this deal. Its pretty well done.

I remember Spider, we got screwed on that one, CLF took them but KWG fought, look at KWG now.

I saw TRR and RR, everyone complained there. They were not great deals either. But they happened and they are done.

On a scale of looking at some really lousy buy outs... This one is not terrible.

Lets hope gold continues the path up and G does as well.

I have been here since I bet on the ROF. Chromite was our saviour.

Im just happy that Dave ventured out to Borden. Look at BMK or NOT, etc,etc,etc.

I hope Dave takes a fresh run at a new project.

Sure, PRB might be a 10 or 20 dollar stock in the future. It could also be a $2.00 stock if gold goes down and there is a no vote.

I have never yet see a share holder happy with a buy out, never. They always think that its worth more. In this day in age, with so many uncertainties, I can live with and be happy with what we have achieved.

And yes, I still hold KWG and BMK.

If you think Borden is a bigger gold mine, hang on to your new G shares.

over 9 years ago
Re: WB

If you take the deal, then your shares are swapped. There is no tax implication until you sell the new G shares or the new probe shares.

If I am a U.S. investor i would hang on until the dollar rises ( it will again someday ).

The whole game now is to watch the price of gold and the price of G.

If the price of gold starts to slide ( which I doubt right now ) then G will start to slide. You can sell at any point now between now and closing of the deal. You only get the new probe if you say yes to the deal and keep your PRB shares.

If gold continues its breakout, then G goes up. Everyone wins then.


NEW PROBE will not be worthless. There will be about 30 million shares O/S with 20 million in the bank. Do the math.

over 9 years ago
Re: WB

Hi Guys: Havent posted here in a few years.

I happen to think that we did ok here, not amazing, but sure as hell not bad.

We get $5 per share at Goldcorps share price upon closing. That could take us well above 5. That has risen and it looks like it will continue to do so. Gold price is rising.

We get free shares in new Probe which will have a very small float. New Probe will have at least 20 million dollars in its account.

G offers a dividend.

If you are sure that Borden is bigger then you hang onto your new G shares. That way you dont lose Borden.

Its a no brainer to take the deal and get shares in new Probe. If you think Borden is bigger, hang onto your new G shares.

Agnico is selling. Maybe someone else comes along(doubtful).

Why anyone would sell now and miss out on owning free shares of new company is beyond me.

over 9 years ago
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