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pj7785's Posts

Re: SGR and The POG

I hear you Silver, and always appreciate your take on things. I being more the dreamer would have thought i would be a millionaire (well maybe not millionaire) now with gold prices this high. SGR was valued similar to when gold was 800 dollars cheaper. Not sure what to make of this, but am somewhat frightened by any correction in Gold and what it will mean for SGR. It has been a series of one step forward two steps back. Hopefully this is simply a delayed reaction and that Gold juniors as a whole will eventually wake up and begin to appreciate like gold has

about 13 years ago
Re: Still no drill results

Well I wouldnt put much stock in SP this market stinks for Jr's imo, what with skyrocketing gold there seem to be a lot of companies that are not moving along that trend, each dollar in the price of gold is now straight profit you'd think we would benefit more and that more 52 week highs would be broken. Frustrating is the word that comes to mind. could the delayed results be a timing issue? waiting for a point at which to gain the most traction/benefit...maybe after the us figures out its debt issue or doesnt might be a good time to do a release to either buffer the stock price if gold falls or possibly ride the wave if the news is good for gold. I just think they are putting the finishing touches on the parade that will follow our NR lol.

I am no history buff but arent the juniors always the last to benefit from strong gold, and that despite the lag, is it not the juniors who see the largest increase after the euphoria sets in? this is my hope anyway.

regardless as fun as speculating is, there really isnt much evidence to any of this...all i know is cash is worthless and if this company is half as good as we think it is, it will be worth a lot more in the future.

about 13 years ago
Re: Low?

After seeing how LSG was hit, losing more than 1 dollar off its share price in two days...these markets are skittish...i dont think the markets are yet in love with Junior producers so i am cautious about this...naturally i hope you are right...may be a good time to invest in LSG though, was that NR for LSG really that bad...I am a novice and maybe not reading between the lines...80-100k gold is still pretty good and is what SGR is hoping to produce yet now we have a market cap of about 200 mil more than LSG.

about 13 years ago
Re: Where are all the Pirie Haters?

LOL, my habit is to check the gold price before I look at the stock price

about 13 years ago
Re: Where are all the Pirie Haters?

I dunno, seems to me that the surge in SGR has more to do with the surge in the price of Gold. Of the stocks I follow, SGR didnt move nearly as well as say RMX or LSG on a % basis yesterday, we must be playing a bit of catchup. Gold is busting through all time highs...cant say the same in the junior sector of the stocks I follow. There was an article in the globe about gold miners lagging the price of gold back in May.

I am still a cynic because i can see gold cooling off when our drill results finally come out. Although the optimist in me thinks that maybe they are accumulating a large set of results so that when the results are finally published the affect will be larger than previous releases. Seems this is the longest period between drill results since I have owned so I would hope they have a lot to say when they finally are. If Pririe plans on publishing a new resource estimate at year end then again, i would hope for some rather extensive results in the not too distant future.

about 13 years ago
Re: George Pirie interview with Jay Taylor

It definately feels like the sentiment is starting to become favourable here once again. I am knowhere near as knowledgeable as some of you folks but read this daily and always enjoy the debates. I just get the sense that we are turning a corner here, ultimately time will tell but with the mill at all time throughput, a profitable month of May if i heard George correctly. some promissed drill results in the next week or so, possible side effect may be a lightened mood at the AGM and higher share price...I am finally getting excited for SGR again!

over 13 years ago
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