phoenix7's Profile

phoenix7's Posts

Re: Law360

Agree I hope to heck we're well north of $.50 by the end of the year.

But on your questions about broker promising investment return of five cents a month...if the starting price is 12 cents, then hell yes count me in... 50 cents by end of the year is over 300% increase from the 12 cents we're sitting at now....don't know many people who would turn down a guaranteed 300% ROI. (assuming you have enough $$ to buy enough shares to make that 300% meaningful :)

that's just the pure math of it...but again with history of this stock & potential, yes we all want that decimal place moving to right.

over 9 years ago
Re: Got me again.

Let's hope but past history is just a small settlement to keep the lights on to keep litigation going and people assume for the "next big settlement"... boy has cried wolf so many times...let's hope we get attacked eventually

almost 10 years ago
Re: Is this new; Joe, help. Yes, it's good.

I haven't come to any conclusion and I hope that Handal is involved because we're into potential licenses/contracts. Only point is they could have put in language that "Handal is now working with IP Metrics" or something like that so it wasn't so open ended. That's the only point so there's less ambiguity. Asking for that is not being negative, just asking relevant question about my investment.

almost 11 years ago
Re: Is this new; Joe, help. Yes, it's good.

Couldn't agree more. I've emailed the company asking for clarification on what the story is with IP Metrics. Would have been simple to include them in the PR as partnering with Handal to work on that but it's left open ended.

almost 11 years ago
Re: Q2 is out.

Yes, but what happened to IPMetrics? Not sure how a "boutigue" law firm is supposed to handle our CE Appeal, which is highly important, and also be active trying to license a patent portfolio. And why a law firm is handling a sales/marketing function is odd.

almost 11 years ago
Re: Digital Finger Printing - Gocougs

"The fact that we held .10 after the revenue in the last quarter speaks volumns. I will eat crow for that. The devil has to be in details with that number. How do you let creative labs off for 100 grand unless there was a purpose or it was shown the patents only accunted for pennies on the devices sold."

I The very low settlement figures to this point are concerning but s/p is holding up well despite. A general answer as to the strategy would be nice since the patents are touted as so important to flash related tech (i'm generalizing here). As you mentioned, the creative settlement (and please correct me if we're not 100% sure that creative was in last batch of $$$) points to either the patents really not being worth what they are touted to be or there's some other unconventional strategy being employed. 100K, or thereabouts, to Creative is an accountant's error in some quarters.

Anyway, still in a holding pattern. Hope the judge gives us some momentum in the upward direction.


about 11 years ago
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