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Old Shareholder

Hello - It has been a long time since I have come to this site - had a chuckle - but gripped at losses incurred on this investment.

I still follow this stock - how to detected a company that does everything wrong. I'm amazed the company gets away with what they do ... Wages to inexperienced management 300k plus. An investors relations, who does nothing!

It will be interesting to watch Randy Miller seperate himself from the comany - run and hide and take a good chunk on change with my opinion.

Good luck investors - sorry guys but I will have a laugh at your expense...but in the hands of RM + Mark V = mis - management - I've often asked why no one on the board or ceo has any mining experience? Also why the board of directors allow them to pay themselve soo much for such lack of performance!

over 13 years ago
Good O'l Boy's Club -

Hello Fello Shareholders,

In an earlier post I had made - I had suggested the spin out out metal mines is possibly an attempt by RM to help his good friends out and would cost investors more money...not exact words but in a nut shell.

Hiring Gale Capital as investor relations confirms the Good Ol Boy Club is live and well here! Gale Capital has again in my opinion done a sub standard IR job. Nothing has been done with Nitinat in over 3 years! Gale is being paid by Inspiration mining I believe it is 5k/mth plus undisclosed stock options. Now it has received another contract for another 5k/month plus stock option - who wants to bet Gale Capital is selected for Metal Mines as well ... another $5k/month - the new total cost will be $15k/month - pretty good for Gale Capital - pathetic for shareholders. Randy sure know's how to take care of himself (1,000,000 options at .34) and his good friends!

This entire story is looking more and more like a "howie street shuffle" ( I took this expression from another individual who posted on the board - and I'm must admit he looks like he is more and more correct in every management decision being made!!), I can't believe for a TSX stock the things Randy Miller is getting away with!!

I believe the metal mines spin out will only benefit the likes of Randy Miller and Gale Capital - and anyone else close to him.

Has anyone received an update of the personal loan + other undisclosed loan?

I think investors better take caution with the management of the company!

over 14 years ago
Re: Has anyone spoke to Randy Miller?

Do you honestly expect shareholder must go to PDAC to have the opportunity to speak with Randy Miller or Mark V. This is the only opportunity that investor should have? I do not live in TO ... it would probably cost me $1,000 with flights and hotels to have an opportunity to speak with Randy Miller. If I could make a suggestion - pick up the phone and call a company with a similar market cap - see if the CEO will take your call or call back. I think you will be very suprised!

I know of individuals who went to PDAC and did comment that RM was not in the booth nor Gale Capital. They are disappointed!

Since you spoke with RM - are you impressed?

If you do speak with Randy - do you think you could arrange a conference call? Do you believe this would be a good idea? Clarify corporate activities for share holders? Do his JOB?

over 14 years ago
Re: Has anyone spoke to Randy Miller?

It will be interesting if this transaction does go thru to see "how many stock options are issued" "To Whom" and at "what price"? It appears to me to be an expensive exercise in futility how many CEO's and Director's are really needed on the L1 & L2 properties? I don't understand how the common share holders benefit from such a transaction! I hope some one will ask Randy to host a conference call to discuss such a significant event for the share holders? Is this an opportunity for the good old boys loading up on stock options - no cost to them! And create another $360K Job for some lucky CEO who does not speak to shareholders?

I've tried calling as well several times and emailing. Randy took my calls about 3 years ago - then just dropped out. I have spoke with Gale Capital in the past ... did not find him to be a reliable source for accurate information. The web page is pathetic source for information. ie. no corporate presentations etc.

It would be a responsible CEO (like other professionals in the industry) to fully disclose to shareholders in a conference call with a presentation - clarifying the benefits of this spin out.

The NZZ is a complete disaster in my opinion! Not sure what that cost shareholders in legal fee's/CEO wages/stock options/cost for shell etc etc etc! Would ISM shareholder be better off today if they did not spin the company out?

Is anyone familiar with the disclosure laws - or the exact process of spinning a security out? Or is this RM decision?

over 14 years ago
Re: Has anyone spoke to Randy Miller?

Also maybe he could she some light on:

1) Rational on buying back the NSR - who put the Valuation (was it him or did they consult a professional company like Micon to put a value on it) on the purchase with no 43-101 + Met Study. What happens to the 1% owned by ISM - who owns the remaining 1% - what is the value of it today?

2) Who will be the new CEO of MM and who will be on the board of directors? Are the select individuals qualified - or is this the good old boys club? Perhaps a plumber will be the CEO of MM! Can share holders expect to pay the new CEO approximately $360K/year plus stock options and expenses? Consider this ... 2 CEO's 2X the expense to shares holders - potentially $720K a year to ISM share holders? This does not include the wages to directors/consultants. What is the cost of this transaction - legal fee's/accountant fee's/buying the shell/ etc etc.

3) When can we expect some kind of drill results out of the company - Nickel/Gold/REE's? Been a long long long time?

Time for RM to start earning his keep in my opinion!!!

over 14 years ago
Has anyone spoke to Randy Miller?

If anyone has spoke with him - perhaps you could suggest a conference call with further explanation of the split.

Also clarification on the status of the loan + Nitinat shares?

I've tried several time over the past 3 years, he never returned my call or emails.

over 14 years ago
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