manning99's Profile

manning99's Posts

Re: Just an observation

More depressing is a more accurate description. I think I will put my stocks in a sock and put in under my mattress for a few years and check back in 2014 or so.....

over 12 years ago
As much as I appreciate your eternal optimism....

Sculpin, your informative and enlightening posts have probably kept me around a lot longer than some, likely the reason many others have held on as well. Now, seeing that I am in so deep, I have no choice but to ride this one out to the end. But that said, and as we approach the 39 cent barrier as the day progresses, where has any really positive, quantative information been the last little while? Meetings to play hockey and such are great for morale, but I am looking for something to substantiate my minimal investment in what I was hoping was going to be a beneficial endeavor. How can a company supposidely this involved in mining efforts have such little feedback for its shareholders? We have been waiting on some sort of drill results for what seems like an eternity.....Not an attack on you, I just have to wonder how one can remain so "glass half full" when it doesn't appear at times that there is a drop left in the glass.....

over 12 years ago
Re: Negativity only drives the stock down

Inclined to agree here. I appreciate numerous members of the board trying to keep morale up, and I am here to the end as I have bought in too many times at values not worth cashing out on now. That said, it would be nice to see some regular updates from SLI as opposed to the optimistic/pessimistic what if's and perhaps' from everyone. Dates for factual infirmation have been pushed back repeatedly. There would be no need for this if realistic expectations were being discussed and posted by SLI on their website or something so we could all settle down a little. So much speculation and not enough factual information IMO.

over 12 years ago
Looking for much longer do we have to watch the SP drop?

Seeing the SP drop to $.55 this morning is rather uninspiring. I understand there has been lots of "stay positive" talk and that results are coming, things will turn around, hang in there banter. My question is, how far is the SLI Group prepared to let this stock fall and what is the purpose of doing so if the honest belief is that the site is legitimate and will yield results? Isn't it about time to reverse this negative course with some positive results? I am convinced that the continued drop and selloff of this stock will be beneficial any longer. If there are results that can be provided why are they not? At this point, any further delays continue to negatively affect all of us still involved with SLI.

over 12 years ago
Re: Today's Spin on the Oil for Gold Issue

Only if the fellow in your avatar took over for Mr. Harper.....

Indeed, a very interesting story, using the Strait of Hormuz as a reason to invade Iran, even though the reason is obvious otherwise. Its 2012, things are supposed to get crazy this year. Start a battle for oil and we have all seen the results of that over the last 20+ years. The US is in enough economic crisis right now, they do not have a true war to fight currently, not that invading Iran would be much of a war, but if another big player decided to step in, look out.

over 12 years ago
Re: I have another 2k to invest into SLI....

Thanks everyone, as usual, the feedback is appreciated. I mentioned that I value the opinions of Sculpin and others on the board, but I certainly make my own mind up at the end of the day to invest or not invest. The mystery surrounding the drill results and what actually may or may not be there....exciting to say the least. With all the conjecture and opinion that I have read about SLI, the friends that I already have that are invested in this stock, the information I have read, and the fact that so many different parties seem to want to have their say on SLI, my beliefs are that the best is yet to come. New board members with considerable financial and management background lends stability and confidence to SLI. Excited to see where the roller coaster goes.



over 12 years ago
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