mann_up's Profile

mann_up's Posts

Re: More Dilution

Long term hold. Let's hope superiority is shown.

Thanks for providing the info you do on this board OPC.

mann_up (recently promoted to mail room assistant supervisor)

almost 12 years ago
Re: Final 90 days of study.

Good job and best of luck going forward. Thanks for the updates.

almost 12 years ago
Re: Qatar

Let me apologize in advance. I'm sorry if the following is offensive. But it's the way I feel - obviously, or I wouldn't take the time to post.

Obesity is strongly linked to type 2 diabetes. Obesity is also linked to to type 1 diabetes.

If you make sh$tty life choices, and/or you allow your children to do the same - I do not feel sorry for you if you get diabetes related to gluttony. Get a freaking clue. This just sickens me. It's laziness. It's ignorance.

On another note, kinda on-topic - The USA should have a national health care plan. If you want to call it socialized medicine, so be it. Germany and Canada both have systems we could use as blueprints. We need to cut the insurance companies out of the equation and start holding people responsible for their own health.

****mann_up quietly steps down from soap box and says a prayer to himself (as there is no god to pray to) that there hasn't been a fatwah issued against him for his belligerence.*****

almost 12 years ago
Re: Trying to time a stock like MNKD is a fools game.

MNKD is a long term hold, period.

Buffett bought/buys companies with solid prospects and good fundamentals when he could get them at a good price (on technical price pullbacks).

MNKD has solid prospects and it's at a good price. Fundamentals suck though, and that's the issue.

Warren won't be buying MNKD.

I'll be holding MNKD for a long while. And the reason I'll be holding for a long time - there exists in this country (and worldwide) a "bunch" of overweight and obese people, and this bunch is growing numerically, and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future. That equates to an increasing number of diabetics. And MNKD has a great solution to help them. MNKD's solution also addresses the type I population. I have firsthand experience witnessing the devastation that diabetes wreaks, it's terrible. The FDA made a huge, huge mistake by not letting this drug come to market in Jan 2011 - it has cost lives, it has cost debilitation.

So there you have it in a nutshell:

Type 1 diabetics + an ever-increasing population of type 2 diabetics related to the obesity epidemic = Big Problem.

MNKD's Afrezza, a novel, life-changing elegant solution.

Just buy the stock, ignore the noise (they'll get funding, and it'll get thru the FDA), and hold it.

I said in a prvious post that upside to this stock was $12.50 - that was a typo, I meant $112.50. Whew, I feel better now, don't you?

about 12 years ago
Today's Price Action and Volume

Doubt it was anyone covering a larger short position - they had plenty of time and opportunities to cover without driving price. This looks like accumulation = buying program in morning and the demand dries up and price reverts. Positive price action in my extremely humble opinion ;-)

mann_up (former replacement ref)

about 12 years ago
Max Upside for this Stock

This guess is taking a lot of things into consideration - but the primary 3 are:

(1) # of shares outstanding when all is said and done and MNKD is able to cashflow themselves thru sales,

(2) management incompetence issues,

offset by,

(3) the dire need for this drug.


Thanks all for your input here - I follow the board diligently. I'm one for brevity and trying to cut thru as much bs as possible.

about 12 years ago
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