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Suggestion for US investors with Tyhee in their IRA's

This is for US investors. If you have Tyhee as an investment in your IRA, may I suggest the following strategy:

Starting this year, you are able to convert your IRA into a Roth account which allows you tax-free growth for the future. If you are a normal Tyhee investor, you shares are well below your cost basis. Therefore, transfer them now, and pay the tax on the lower market value. Place them in your Roth and watch them grow tax-free for your retirement. That is one strategy to alleviate the brutal loss in current market value. If you still believe that Tyhee has potential, enjoy the share price rise in a tax-free account. Its one way to lessen the current disappointment in the company's share price.

Plus, the benefit of converting this year allows you to delay paying the taxes as you have the option to pay 50% in 2011 & 50% in 2012. Remember, you must convert by the end of the year.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Deloria, Is it true that Sprott and Puplava find dealing with Webb distasteful?

What is this in response to? I don't see a post by this chap on the front page?

almost 14 years ago
Re: An observation and concern


Sorry, but I do think it is Dave's responsibility to check out what is happening to the stock price. Its a public company and he has a responsibility to the shareholders to know what is happening in the market IF HE CAN GATHER THAT INFORMATION FROM OTHERS. I am not suggesting that he must discern the identity of the individuals, but he has a fiduciary duty to look into the stock price movements. An answer to a forum member that he doesn't know why the stock price is moving down doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

Management is a crucial component of any public company. As a shareholder I want to hear from the company as to if there is any reason to be concerned about the market movements in light of the soaring price of gold. I do understand the machinations of a PP, but if there is something else lying underneath, I would like to know and Dave can get the answers for us.

about 14 years ago
Re: Dave Webb himself


I have no conclusions, only posing questions...............

about 14 years ago
An observation and concern

I, too, was floored when I checked the Tyhee stock price yesterday evening. Since there was no news on Yahoo Finance, I came to the board and found out about the private placement and huge selling at the end of the day.

I just got back from the gym and I see gold up $20 nearing 1300 and Tyhee at .07 nearing .00. Clearly a bothersome disconnect. But what really troubles me about this is that one of our members spoke to Dave yesterday and Dave admitted that he did not know what was happening with the stock price (I hope I have characterized that exchange correctly). If Dave doesn't get a handle on the stock price/manipulation, he may lose his dream. Clearly, if he is baffled, what is he doing talking to a forum member when he should be on the phone with an experienced money person (someone like a JP if they are still talking) and get a grip on what is happening to this company in the markets. If he is out of touch with the market, I fear for my investment which continues to dwindle.

I am not posting this as a post to oust him. Rather, a post to drive him to get an explanation as to what is happening to this stock. When the country deteriorates, the President gets on tv and speaks to the nation in an attempt to clarify and calm fears. Where is the President of Tyhee and why doesn't he have a grip on what is happening and speak in an effort to calm the market action?

about 14 years ago
Re: Question for the Forum. Is it really worth the pain and angst for Tyhee alone...

Back then, while a mine was a strategy option, it was not as clear a path of intention as it is now. In addition, you have had greater access to management than most others so you might have had a clearer picture of the company's intention. Be that as it may, its a long path ahead and not all investors will want to stick out that long period, and may be open to a buyout/jv

about 14 years ago
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