lazymat's Profile

lazymat's Posts

Re: Employee Options

Indeed. And a potential buyout should hopefully see a serious gain on those options ; )

over 11 years ago
Re: Employee Options

Thank -you!

over 11 years ago
Employee Options

I'm trying to recall at what price the company granted options to it's employees last... I think it was a year or two ago? They were obviously given at prices higher than we've seen in quite some time. I'd imagine that Copper Fox would ideally be rewarding its employees for their hard work and patience.

It's been a real long time since I've posted... More of a reader here. I appreciate all your efforts and anyone who has an answer to my question. Thanks!

over 11 years ago
Re: Red Chris news

I have only ever really posted with tidbits I get from my girlfriend who works with the First Nations. It's already a well-known fact that CF has a long history of working with, hiring, and supporting the Tahltan, who in turn have been supportive of the project. There have been very recent major talks between the Tahltan and the BC government itself in regards to what compensation the Tahltan will be getting from the government for all the mining and profits that will generated by way of their traditional lands. They are finishing up negotiations on this right now, as the Tahltan are trying to expedite the process so these projects can move forward, but they wanted to ensure they were getting a fair shake so to speak. Copper Fox does not have any real issues with the First Nations... so we shouldn't see a public backlash of the likes that Taseko and Imperial have recently.

over 12 years ago
Re: First post in a long, long time. Don't Forget China.

And thanks to all who continue to post here insightfully on a daily basis!

over 12 years ago
First post in a long, long time. Don't Forget China.

Hey everyone,

I have been tied up in CUU since the summer of 2010. I still have the initial investment I made. I haven't sold any shares, and I am not a trader. I feel bad saying this, but I read the posts here daily, and did so at Stockhouse as well. My only post of value there can be read here:

Anyhow, I feel I should only post if I have something to offer, and I feel I do again. My girlfriend, who works for a First Nations agency, has been privy to some high level discussions. I know that there has been talk about the Chinese demand, and the possibility of the Chinese taking out a number of projects or even some of our bigger players... like Teck.

Well, she has had meetings with Grand Chief Ed John, who has been approached by the Chinese government and business delegates that have been here recently, with various propositions. All on a bigger scale than they could imagine. I should start this by saying that the Chinese have done their homework and have learned how to greet the first nations community leaders in their native tongues, they have studied the cultural and historical issues of the first people, and they have gone about approaching the BC first nations in the most respectful manner. They have earned their trust, and the comment was made that the first nations would almost rather deal directly with the chinese!

The Chinese want to secure a long-lasting resource, and we have that with Schaft Creek. The numbers they are throwing around are in the billions. Chief Ed John said that the Tahltan were one of the parties involved in these talks and that they know they are sitting on a resource that will feed their families for generations to come. He said that our federal government is pushing to fast-track all environmental permitting on these big mining projects, but that the first nations do not want things to move to quickly.

Another thing that Chief Ed John said was that the Chinese people have a huge interest in the Coastal First Nations, and the Chinese envision more and more tourism here in BC. They even want to create a First Nations theme park so that the chinese can come get a first hand cultural experience.

Anyhow, I can only see this as a good thing. There are high level talks going on between the Chinese, our governement, and the Tahltan and other BC First Nations reps. I am not one to speculate, but just for the fun, maybe the Chinese are looking at something bigger than just Copper Fox, maybe they want the whole district?!!

That's all I got. It might not be much, but I am happy to share. Let's hope this all ends sooner than later!

over 12 years ago
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