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2011 News Donchester

Now I can add GRADE to the characteristics of the Duparquet camp deposits, with confidence. Already the Beattie driliing indicated that the average grade at Duparquet was going to be higher than Malartic. It has been hard to tell because of the veil Osisko has draped over their JV 2010 drilling at Duparquet.Well here it comes!

From the NR
"Significant wide intersections from the new drill holes on the Donchester property include 60.0 meters averaging 2.18 g/t Au (DON10-74), and 46.5 metres averaging 1.19 g/t (DON10-83). The new drilling also intersected significant higher grade intercepts including 3.4meters averaging 162.0 g/t Au (DON10-107), 7.5 meters averaging 9.57g/t Au (DON10-116) and 10.5 meters averaging 7.40 g/t Au (DON10-69)."

Even with the curtain drawn, without transparency from Osisko, the golden high-grade heart of Clifton's Star Duparquet property is shining through! While the Malartic's high-grade heart was mined out, little of the Donchester segment of this system has ever been mined and only 350 meters of strike length was mined on the Beattie
and not on all of the Beattie's parallel and vertical high-grade zones identified in Osisko's 2010 drilling, this is significant news for me.

Grade and tons extending beneath the limits of the drilling. Hmmm, I wonder what those veins look like at 1000 meters? With the deposit plunging east from the Beattie, there is no way of predicting how deep those Donchester high-grade zones reach!

I have often written here that the real story resides in the underground. Harry Miller CEO of Clifton Star has long heralded this too! I am confident and look beyond this temporary downturn.

Hear tell,
from the Osisko booth at the Cambridge House show in BC, the veil will be lifted in the second week of March. This information was offered without a specific question being asked. Several folks I talked with at the Vancouver show were told the same thing.

I'll believe it when I see it.

Not investment advice, DYODD.

over 13 years ago
Geophysical Survey by Osisko under way - CFO Initiates Metallurgical Examination

Great Development!

Vancouver, B. C. December 22, 2010 - Clifton Star Resources, Inc. (CFO TSX-V)(C3T Frankfurt) is pleased to announce the engagement of David Dreisinger, Ph.D., P. Eng. as a consulting metallurgist on the Company’s projects. Dr. Dreisinger will perform a review of available information on the processing of ore and tailing related to the Duparquet Gold Project and report his findings to the Board of Directors.
Following completion of this review, Dr. Dreisinger will work with the Company’s team to develop a targeted program for extraction of the gold contained in the Duparquet Gold Project properties located inSouthwestern Quebec."

Readers here will remember that I moved quickly to dispel the suggestion, when posted, that there was a problem with the Beattie ore recoveries. Refractory is a word that is technically applied to most any sulphide ore. Some will use people's lack of knowledge of ore treatment to suggest that references made, to Beattie ore as being refractory (and therefore troublesome) is a negative. THIS IS WRONG and soon Clifton Star will know more about the Beattie/Donchester ore than anyone, including Osisko. Thank you Harry and Director Ross Glanville!

SOME refractory (sulphide) ores are troublesome. However, historical work indicates that the Beattie ore concentrates are capable of realizing over 90% recovery, Fred Archibald is a direct link to that historical work. As Dr. Dreisinger examines this historical work and existing Beattie/Donchester core, of which CFO owns ~130,000 meters, he will conduct his metallurgical evaluation in the light of modern hydro-metallurgical and biological methods of ore treatment. IMO he will tell Harry that Beattie ore concentrate is capable of over 95% recovery, with straight-forward treatment methods. This is based on what I have read about the Beattie ore. One doesn't mill 10 million tonnes of ore and not learn something about it. Fortunately, some of this work was published.

This is good news IMO, anytime Clifton Star is in the position of knowing more about Duparquet than anyone, I say "Right On!" This increases shareholder value IMO.

Not Investment advice, DYODD.

almost 14 years ago

Hi-nice to see you here. I am a SFEG SH and will get more when CSC and Sante fe merge. I like these guys, smart and they are producing concentrate. Mogollon will be a quick addition to the mill feed. I like this stock and plan on being around as they pull this all together

almost 14 years ago

I had a great 3 days in Vancouver, meeting new folks and getting to know the Clifton Star Officer and Directors. All of the issues before shareholders were passed unchanged. The Shareholders Rights Plan is in place. After the meeting, Fred Archibald displayed a series of section lines that Osisko had provided. These sections were generated by Osisko from their JV drilling assays and geologic logs. They paint a dramatic picture of multiple parallel closely spaced vertical zones with average grades north of 1-2 grams/tonne, some thick intervals far north of 1 gram/tonne. Osisko has zeroed out all of the assay values in between these parallel zones of significant widths. In my view it is a good bet that there are many significant +0.2 g/t intervals hiding behind the curtain that Osisko set up. They have declared that they will be the first to understand and announce the actual numbers at Duparquet to the world. So it is. Q1 2011.

The unrevealed assays are what will determine the resource's open pit economics. If there are abundant +0.2 g/t assays behind the curtain then Beattie / Donchester is headed for 8-10 million ounce open pit IMO. Having walked the ground and seen core evidence, for me, I bet that there are significant open pit grade material between the high grade zones confirmed in Osisko's cross section grahics. Without supporting grades an open-pit is still viable IMO. But that won't be the case, Beattie / Donchester have already demonstrated to my satisfaction that these high-grade zones are enclosed in a halo of lower-grade rock. I bet on it.

Thanks to all CFO folks I met, a speciall shout out to Jerry!

DYODD, look for the Osisko cross sections soon!

almost 14 years ago
Hello-Anyone listening? XTRA Gold has Launched!

Sorry for what has become of these boards. Disappointed to hear allegations of manipulations. IMO This whole junior mining space is manipulated, sometimes to the extreme. Mark Twain defined a gold mine as a hole in the ground with a liar sitting at the entrance. Look closely, do DD. All is not what it seems at times.

XTG.TO listed on the Toronto, with news in the can.

I wrote in an earlier post that the NI 43-101 on Kibi was of the highest quality AND was very complimentary of XTRA in the way they had advanced the Kibi Discovery at a quick pace, with all the correct actions by James Longshore and group all along the way. This was huge to the folks considering the listing on the TSX. Additionally they made all the right moves with the BOD, Robert Casaceli and others are well known in Canada. The proof of James Longshore's worth is validated and confirmed by listing directly on the big board.

Now the news will come. They selected some drill locations to infill prior drilling, so I expect to hear positive results. More importantly I look for the results of pioneer hole, testing soil anamolies. There was a large area of strong soil samples that has not been tested. If the drilling hits Belt-type granitoids I hope they find a small granitic stock with large volumes of shattered mineralized rock, shot through with stockworks.

Holes are done, assays are in and with the quiet period over XTRA can read these results and prepare news releases. With $10 million in the bank, work in Ghana is moving forward I'm sure.

Let's not forget Verbina VUR, they have entered into the picture of Banso and other XTRA exploration and mining concessions Verbina and XTRA have common directors. Verbina does not trade much and has been around $0.18.

Now the fun begins!

Not investment advice, DYODD

almost 14 years ago
How does November 23 sound?

from November 11, 2010 SEDAR filing - Final Prospectus - Page 3 of PDF document

"The Toronto Stock Exchange (the “TSX”) has conditionally approved the listing of the Company’s Common Shares (as defined herein, including the Offered Shares and the Additional Shares distributed under this prospectus). Listing is subject to the Company fulfilling all of the requirements of the TSX."

"The Offering is not underwritten. Provided that the Minimum Offering is subscribed for, it is expected that the completion of the sale of Offered Shares pursuant to the Offering (the “Closing”) will take place on such date or dates as the Agents and the Company may mutually agree upon. It is expected that the Closing will occur on or about November 23, 2010 or such other date or dates as may be agreed to by the Company and the Agents."

Hang on... Not investment advice DYODD I have read the preliminary and final offering documents, do the same! I have included it here as President's DD

almost 14 years ago
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