Clifton Star Resources

Clifton recently filed a NI 43-101 compliant report based on new drilling at Beattie and Donchester which outlines significant gold resources on the property. Beattie (measured & indicated) at a cut-off grade of 2.4 g.Au/t, Inferred at a cut-off grade of 2.4 g.Au/t and measured & indicated at a cut-off grade of 1.0 g.Au/t.

Now I can add GRADE to the characteristics of the Duparquet camp deposits, with confidence. Already the Beattie driliing indicated that the average grade at Duparquet was going to be higher than Malartic. It has been hard to tell because of the veil Osisko has draped over their JV 2010 drilling at Duparquet.Well here it comes!

From the NR
"Significant wide intersections from the new drill holes on the Donchester property include 60.0 meters averaging 2.18 g/t Au (DON10-74), and 46.5 metres averaging 1.19 g/t (DON10-83). The new drilling also intersected significant higher grade intercepts including 3.4meters averaging 162.0 g/t Au (DON10-107), 7.5 meters averaging 9.57g/t Au (DON10-116) and 10.5 meters averaging 7.40 g/t Au (DON10-69)."

Even with the curtain drawn, without transparency from Osisko, the golden high-grade heart of Clifton's Star Duparquet property is shining through! While the Malartic's high-grade heart was mined out, little of the Donchester segment of this system has ever been mined and only 350 meters of strike length was mined on the Beattie
and not on all of the Beattie's parallel and vertical high-grade zones identified in Osisko's 2010 drilling, this is significant news for me.

Grade and tons extending beneath the limits of the drilling. Hmmm, I wonder what those veins look like at 1000 meters? With the deposit plunging east from the Beattie, there is no way of predicting how deep those Donchester high-grade zones reach!

I have often written here that the real story resides in the underground. Harry Miller CEO of Clifton Star has long heralded this too! I am confident and look beyond this temporary downturn.

Hear tell,
from the Osisko booth at the Cambridge House show in BC, the veil will be lifted in the second week of March. This information was offered without a specific question being asked. Several folks I talked with at the Vancouver show were told the same thing.

I'll believe it when I see it.

Not investment advice, DYODD.

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