Clifton Star Resources

Clifton recently filed a NI 43-101 compliant report based on new drilling at Beattie and Donchester which outlines significant gold resources on the property. Beattie (measured & indicated) at a cut-off grade of 2.4 g.Au/t, Inferred at a cut-off grade of 2.4 g.Au/t and measured & indicated at a cut-off grade of 1.0 g.Au/t.

Clifton Star has held recent interest for me. However, I’m far from knowledgeable on the subject.

Apparently, the following Cease Trade Order was due to the fact Clifton Star failed to update its resource estimates at the required time, after its option agreement with Osisko was cancelled by Osisko, within the terms of the agreement. I take it Osisko has new material facts regarding resources that were not disclosed to the public as required by Clifton Star.

Can anyone shed any light on this? Has Clifton Star commented?

British Columbia Securities Commission

Tel: 604 899-6500 Fax: 604 899-6506 Toll Free: 1 800-373-6393

P.O. Box 10142, Pacific Centre, 701 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada V7Y 1L2

2011 BCSECCOM 351

Cease Trade Order

Clifton Star Resources Inc.

Section 164 of the Securities Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 418

¶ 1 Clifton Star Resources Inc. (Clifton Star) is a reporting issuer in British Columbia and

its securities trade on the TSX Venture Exchange.

¶ 2 On or about June 13, 2011, Clifton Star issued and filed a news release disclosing a

change to the mineral resource estimates for the Donchester portion of its Duparquet

Project. On or about the same date, Clifton Star issued but did not file a second news

release disclosing a change to the mineral resource estimates for the Beattie portion of

the same project. The Duparquet Project is a property material to Clifton Star and the

collective changes to the mineral resources constitute a material change in relation to

Clifton Star.

¶ 3 Pursuant to section 7.1 of National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure

Obligations (NI 51-102), Clifton Star was required to file the news release disclosing

the change to the Beattie mineral resource and a material change report disclosing both

changes within ten days of the date of the changes. Clifton Star has not filed the news

release and material change report.

¶ 4 Pursuant to section 4.2(1)(j)(ii) of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure

for Mineral Projects (NI 43-101), Clifton Star was required to file a technical report

supporting its disclosure of the changes to the Donchester and Beattie mineral resource


¶ 5 On or about July 18, 2011, Clifton Star filed a technical report that was not in the

required form and did not support Clifton Star’s disclosure of the change to the Beattie

mineral resource.

¶ 6 On or about October 28, 2010, Clifton Star issued and filed a news release disclosing a

mineral resource estimate for its Duquesne Property. The Duquesne Property is a

property material to Clifton Star and the disclosure of the estimate constitutes a material

change in relation to Clifton Star.

¶ 7 Pursuant to section 4.2(1)(j)(i), Clifton Star was required to file a technical report

supporting its disclosure of the mineral resource estimate. Pursuant to section 7.1 of NI

51-102, Clifton Star was also required to file a material change report disclosing the

mineral resource estimate. Clifton Star has not filed the required technical report and

material change report.

¶ 8 Under section 164(1) of the Act, the Executive Director orders that all trading in the

securities of Clifton Star cease until:

1. it files the required technical reports, material change reports, and news release,

completed in accordance with the Act and the regulations, and

2. the Executive Director makes an order under section 164 of the Act revoking this


¶ 9 July 22, 2011

Robert Holland

Chief Mining Advisor

Corporate Finance

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