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indrid_cold's Posts


Do the rest of us a favor and suffer in silence. Thanks:) Mike

almost 13 years ago
Re: Italy to ban naked short selling

They should also ban it here.

almost 13 years ago
Re: You are both right--BLR--pravda--...

Pravda...First off dude, I am a man. I always sign off with my shortened birth name which is Mike. Got it? Indrid_Cold was a fictional (you should appreciate that name since you like fiction so much) character from the movie: "The Mothman Prophecies" starring Richard Gere (and you know that Richard and myself look so much that is fiction!) Anyway, I gave you a great link to a ton of information about MoMo's and all their tricks and how they ruin companies, but you refuse to check it out. How "specific" do you want me to be? At some point you will have to take some responsibility and do your own research. You can't just refuse to believe FACTS without checking them out. Listen "Doubting Pravda",...I got an idea. How about if I kidnap the Momo, tie him to my dinner table chair, force him to eat my wife's meatloaf, and after eating when he is in a weakened and vulnerable state, I will get him to confess? Will that suit you then?

almost 13 years ago
Re: You are both right--BLR

Pravda, here is a link that will give you a bit of insight to what I was refering to in my post.

BTW...I have some ocean front property in the middle of Kansas for sale if you are interested. Mike

almost 13 years ago
Re: I Just Have To Say It...

"There are theories about it....generally explained as conspiracies by the most imaginative among us. I'm sure there are folks on this board who fit that description.:>) The mere fact it happens means it's serving someone's purpose but I don't believe there's anything sinister behind it." You appear to be very naive. But thanks for your response. Maybe you can go back now and finish watching Nickolodean. Oops. Mike

almost 13 years ago
I Just Have To Say It...

I just have to say it...
MoMo's have DESTROYED many a small company. That is a fact. There is no way that the MoMo's were consistently making a fair market on EDIG. I have owned this stock on and off (mostly on) for the last 11+ years, and I have watched some very strange transactions in that time. For example this is my favorite and it happens quite frequently...when there is a BUY at 20,000 shares at say .05, and then a SELL at 200 shares at .04. I have noticed that quite a bit of the time that it is done at the END of the day, and so at the START of the next day the Bid/Ask is now down somewhere between .035 or lower, and .04 etc. etc. I believe the Momo's do this to stimulate trading and generate volume, but it always seems to have an adverse effect. Trading like this is discouraging, and does not give a shares buyer or potential buyer much confidence in EDIG's stock. I realize of course that there have been some disappointments, but on the same token, there have been many positive things happening with eDigital Company. There are many companies out there who are in quite a bit of debt, with a lot less technological and growth potential, who have a much higher PPS then EDIG. This company is so much stronger then it was years ago, and has so much more potential, that it shouldn't be trading anywhere near what the PPS is at present. I have communicated with the SEC over the years about this, and was told that Penny Stocks (in general), are not governed like the NASDAQ stocks, mostly because they just do not have the manpower to do it. Well, whether out of frustration or desperation, this is how I feel. GLTA...We will need it.

almost 13 years ago
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