honeymooner's Profile

honeymooner's Posts

Re: Coal in the Stocking?

Must be the evil shorts at it again. Volume ~7500 is very suspicious

This is an enormous buying opportunity Bill. Better hurry

almost 9 years ago
Re: what next?

Whats next? Same as the last year and the year before Not much. The cute quips can only take us so far. No announcement, no matter how its is spun, has a meaningful impact. We dont even get apop anymore. INstead the volume drifts down as well as the stock price. Short interest, the supposed bad guy, is down yet the stock price has continued to drop inspite of many predicting this was holding as back. We go from 10Q to the next and nothing in between. No news isnt good news. Never has been with this stock. The long awaited signing has turned into a profound disappointment. What's next I wish someone knew. It would be nice if managment had some words of wisdom for us or there was something to say. Quaterlt reports with 3 month gaps void of any material news cant be good

almost 9 years ago
Re: Whats New?

Been so long since Ive posted that hardly remember my username. Have refrained until now when finally a reasonable voice, Alton, has pointed out the obvious. Numerous accounting firms stepped up and made their detemination and now for months we cant get one final opinion. Simply doesnt make sense. For crying out loud lots of the work was already done for them. In the past year numerous so-called milestones have come and gone and the stock has drifted the wrong direction with so, so little interest.

Perhaps one day this will move foreward but I guess, not really, it may be way longer than anyone could have possible omagined.

CHeerleading is fun and optimism better than pssimism but what will finally get a shovel in the ground?

Wish I knew

almost 9 years ago
Re: What is going on

What dont you get? There is always a promise of nirvana just around the corner. Imminent, approaching, very soon, expected. Pick your choice at some point results have to be concrete measurable and quantitativw. To this point its merely promises that just cant produce a clear and focused and most importsntly tangible news witbab exaxt result
At some point faith trust briken promises are damaging. People bail and ince they head out the door others follow as the price drips below lebels that they can stomach. Thats different for each person
And by the way Inwasnt smart enough to sell just bring to light whats been obvious. We are losing the battle if something doesnt change soon and in a substantial way

over 9 years ago
Re: What is going on

I have remained silent for obvious reasons but come'on Alton. This is the highest volume in yrs and all sharply to the downside. Hard to believe someone doesnt know something and it must not be great. The claims that good news is coming is just not plausible. Believers are gone and looks like the masses are heading for the doors in a big way

over 9 years ago

Bill looks like ur enthusiasm paid. Away we go seems just about right today

over 9 years ago
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