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Re: Seeking Alpha: Copper Fox Announces Update On Schaft Creek

Good morning everybody

Haven't posted since the May AGM.

While the continued slide in our share price is disconcerting and articles like "Seeking Alpha" seem to add to every long shareholders' angst, I would like to share my perspective on the "following the money focus" that originally got me involved and keeps me involved with CUU.

1) If one scrolls to the stock quotes portion of this site/then goes to the insider section, one would find that Ernesto has invested $41million approx into CUU/McDonald-$11million approx/and the rest a couple of million more approx = totalling in $54million approx for their slightly more than half ownership of CUU.

2) Our current market cap is approx $57million. (How happy are their spouses?) Yet, they still decided to exercise their options recently in the past 3-6 months and choose to tie up additional liquid funds (half a million$ or so) into our very illiquid CUU. Does that make any sense? If there is no way "out" other than a somewhat nebulous future liquidity event, why throw or tie up more "good money" after "bad money"? Especially when several of the insiders are not "spring chickens" (near or over 60) and probably would like to be able to enjoy now vs wait some more.

3)While it is always good to be open to other points of view as a reality check, there are many posters/bloggers who really have "no skin in the game". Whereas our insiders, especially Ernesto, who have a lot riding on CUU, continue to let their recent actions do the "silent talking" for them.

It's still a grind to continue holding CUU while our sp drifts lower but I will continue to focus on the insiders' actions as being my barometer.

Still following the money! Good luck to the true longs!


almost 10 years ago
Re: AGM Report

Hi Prospekt

Elmer and Kathy were there from management. Ernesto,Mike Smith, and Hector(acted as secretary)were the directors present.

Re:BCHydro - some comments made about "connection studies being conducted" and that we did not lose our place in the line for power

Re:EA- as BigBuck stated,nothing to happen there until after Teck's optimization study . Current BFS throughput of 130000 tons per day could be increased, and if so, then a new EA would be needed Also discussed current political situation in BC, Current Liberal govt.was more favorable to mining projects while NDP less so. I.e. in 2017 there would be another prov election that could make obtaining the EA more difficult. However; if an EA had been granted earlier before a change in govt then the EA could not be reversed by the new govt. So Teck could have some concerns in this area if they wanted to delay and proceed with Schaft at a later date.

Re:MooseMountainValuation- nothing mentioned but i think would need Teck's optimization study info to enhance our value

GLTALongs hkahka

over 10 years ago
Re: AGM Report

Good evening. Haven't posted for awhile but had a chance to attend the AGM.
Further to Big Buck's report which was fairly representative of today's AGM, I'd like to relay a couple of points that were stressed by Elmer that I felt were relevant.
-Teck is fully capable of saying NO to joint ventures. Examples given were juniors named "Pebble" and "Dynasty" I.e.Teck was out within 3 weeks with those companies but chose to say YES to our joint venture almost immediately even with our BFS.
-by renegotiating the Salazar agreement, we are "protected" cash flow wise for up to $220 million of pre-mine expenditures and anything over and above will be financed thru Teck at prime plus 2% thus protecting us from further dilution. When queried if pre- mine expenditures could reach $220 million, Elmer's reply was pre-mine expenses could reach $400million and he gave some egs of how it could get there.
-last year apparently Elmer was off 80% with his portfolio and CUU was substantially higher than it currently is now
-in regards to Arizona, in situ mining process was explained vs open pit and how it was less invasive and substantially not as expensive as open pit thus profit potential was enhanced there
-two of the guys at my table have been shareholders for 10-12 years and were very comfortable with where we are at today in spite of our roller coaster share price ride
-Ernesto was in attendance and while he made no comments, he seemed very supportive of Elmer and the current course of events

As I was trying to watch and concentrate on Elmer's message and Ernesto's body language, I made minimal notes, so the above points are made from memory because they struck a chord with me.
While I am not happy where we are currently share price wise, I remain quietly optimistic of where we will wind up in this area.
GLTALongs. hkahka

over 10 years ago
Re: while we all patiently wait (including Ernesto) revisited

good morning everyone

my wife recently reminded me of an old joke "how does one make a small fortune in the stock market? start with a large one!"

it's been a while since my last post. and like the rest of "cuu longs" have had to endure the painful shrinkage in our share price and the corresponding mental anguish of "why didn't we sell @$2.70/share?" or "why did we keep buying @$1+/share?"

it's now SO easy for us longs to continually beat ourselves up over these current results. but should we?

my mantra has always been "to follow the money" and that's mainly what we longs have done with cuu. mcdonald, buying shares all the way up to $2.60 and holding 10-12million shares. ernesto, (from oct31/11 to today) had invested $23,600,000 by purchasing 22,600,000 shares for an ACB of $1.044/share. what does -$.57 X 22.6 million shares equal for ernesto? what about his OPPORTUNITY costs with that amount of money? if there is a mrs. ernesto, is she pleased with these last 2 yrs of investments in cuu and wouldn't she want things to happen quicker like all of our spouses do?

our current share price is usually based on 100-200,000 shares traded daily(which equals .002/.004 percent of our share float). it's that kind of daily volume that has driven our SP to where it is today!

ernesto and the rest of the insiders are longs and still can't exit without a buyout.

all we longs have done really is to have followed the money and placed ourselves into a similar position as ernesto and the rest of the insiders. so i don't see how this makes us longs stupid?

i continue to hold and have never sold a share and will wait for additional entry points while our stock is drifting lower.

it has been such a long horse race with cuu but it's never where you start, or where you are in the middle but it's where we will finish that counts. good luck to all us longs



almost 11 years ago
Re: following the money

sorry meant "CANADA GRANT"

about 11 years ago
following the money

good morning everyone.

had a chance to review the agoracom 38 pages version of cuu's insider trading history these past few days. noticed a few obvious glitches in this info, however; overall info revealed/confirmed some interesting points that have NOT to my knowledge been publicized thru this or the SH forum:

mcdonald i) has been actively trading the FOX since early in his involvement as a director ii) had purchased 13,047,000 shares and had sold 3,390,300 (including 446,500 for $1,068,890 near our highest share price) iii) remains with 9,647,100 shares and $3,421,919 tied up in the FOX

ernesto i) has never sold any shares ii) has approx $42.4 million tied up in the FOX

elmer i) 2 trades that sold shares/19 that purchased shares/options ii) holds 839,000 shares and has $264,086 tied up in the FOX

mike i) has never sold any shares ii) holds 580,000 shares and has $295,750 tied up in the FOX

all of the above is from the 38 pages of insider trades section from agoracom after you check the stock quote for CUU part.

it's of interest to note that mike/elmer/david are all in their age 60's and they must be impatient for a liquidity event to happen. they aren't "spring chickens" either. as well, how does ernesto exit with a reasonable profit with over $40 million tied up?

i am disappointed in the current state of affairs but am hopeful that "CAPITAL GRANT" is right in his hunch and that something is percolating. anyways good luck to all and follow the money. still holding strong.

regards hka

about 11 years ago
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