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May we all experience a Very Happy New Year...

All the Best Wishes and God's Blessings to all here and who own this stock. Here's wishing for Jim to get this company moving forward, for health, happiness and maybe even a drink or 2 on New Year's Eve to celebrate making it for another year...

Let us remember those who passed this year (if you have some) and look forward to the new year and what it can hold for us!!


over 7 years ago
Re: Globe& Mail December 21 - Lakeside

Good morning, Lakeside. A nice thought that was put into the Globe and Mail, was it???


"The Prime Minister acknowledged that First Nations such as the Tsleil-Waututh, who have launched a legal challenge to the project, are entitled to their views. “But no, they don’t have a veto,” he said"


My concern is not in anybody (including our Prime Minister) saying whether they have a veto or not, my concern is whether he has the brass kahuna's to send out the appropriate enforcement agency to remove the blockades on roads, rails and even air strips... TALK is CHEAP!!!!! But do you politicians have enough will power to send out someone to arrest a dissident group blocking a road or rail after you spend a billion dollars building the road or who knows how much for the rail? Traditional lands? Give me a break. If the government builds a road into your place, you should be thnakful, not blockade the road the first time that you don't get your way!!!

I guess that there is still hope... But wishing for a government that has the best interests of the Country in mind is a little far fetched, in today's day and age. Still, I made my bet.


over 7 years ago
Re: De Beers

"If De Beers has a diamond mine near Attawapiskat, how are they getting in and out of the area.  I don't get it.  They must have gone through the process of development that ring of fire is struggling with now. Can anyone shed light on this?"


T.R. - Diamond mines are a lot different than the mines and access required for nickel and chromite. A diamond mine needs equipment brought in which can be brought in over ice roads once a year. The product that is mined can be shipped out in a small aircraft as the diamonds don't weigh that much. Chromite needs a rail line to move the product efficiently and the nickel et el can be brought out with a road system... It's a much different requirement for the 2 companies...


almost 8 years ago
2 cent bid... Tax selling this stock??

Seriously, has anyone heard anything in regards to this stock? I have tried to contact Jim but I can't get his "current" info anywhere. Nothing, nada, Nousht (German version)...

Ok, maybe if.... nope, that won't work.

But, if..... Ach, I don't think that would work either.

Hey, I guess there is always 2017 :-). Maybe if this company doesn't go under, we might be able to do something next  year. Good luck everybody!!


almost 8 years ago
Well, October 13th has come and gone...

October 13th was the day in 2015 that the "agreement" between First Mexican and that Dubai company made their agreement... It was a terrific agreement with 12 million dollars promised to help bring this company to production... Hmmm, no sign of any producing as far as I have heard.

Now, what can this all mean? I haven't the connections to find all of this out and I don't believe that I would find it out if I did have a connection. Very quiet around here... Too quiet. I just pray that I don't have to write off another investment. This one would hurt. So, what to do, what to do. Is the joint venture still alive? I haven't read in a news release that it is not alive. That would be material that should be diseminated to the public, I'm sure. That is very important news indeed. I just keep wondering if the other company was looking for a loophole to weasel out of their agreement and still have had a good look at the books so they can try another tact to gain control of this company. That issue we had with the 43-101 not being compliant seems like an ideal place to start that kind of shenanigans... Nobody has any updates from Jim, Jim hasn't released any news in a long time. I am not a member of any inner circle that would be privy to any information that would ease my conscience any so I sit here and wait, and wait and then wait some more.........................

I suppose it's time to write an email to Jim and see if he could give me anything to ease my toubled mind. Of course, if he does, the chances that I could share it here would be very small. If we haven't heard anything in this long a time, I believe that there would be good reason for it and anything that I could find out would go contrary to the status quo... So I ask here... Has anyone heard where we are at with this JV? I still believe Jim to be a good man... Perhaps things are going in a direction that he is loathe to take and can't share with the "pions"... I guess it's time to try and find out... Good luck to all...


almost 8 years ago
Re: Mustangman........ RIP

I must weigh in here as well. I had some PM's with Larry and he was a very honest, forthright man to the best of his ability... I met him at one of the Golf Extravaganzas and enjoyed that very much. Larry, I pray that you would Rest in Peace. Your journey here is done.

Thanks to Stratopod for the sad news, very sad news indeed... My heart and prayers go out to the family.


almost 8 years ago
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