grumpy01's Profile

grumpy01's Posts

New Year....better year

Been awhile since my last post, I will add my voice to your list Sculpin. To the cause of ousting Lori and crew. I am sad having all my TFSA in SLI however it was a gamble...dream...I don't think she will be able to withstand the oncoming onslaught.

But knowing how slippery she can be, she has already moved on and protected herself. I do (did) enjoy reading this board from time to time. I hope that 2013 is the best year you all have ever had.

over 11 years ago
Howdy gang

Been awhile since I took a look at this site. See the old gang still here and hoping. I got that bus you were looking for.

If Murry was to head up the cause and lori got punted I would buy back in. Until then I will still hold my almost worthless TFSA and pray that the mother lode is only a few feet away from where we are.

almost 12 years ago
Re: Here's an interesting suggestion......

Hey jw83jw how do you like my solution?

over 12 years ago
Goob bye all , Just have to dump a few more

Well you all enjoy the ride, and if this does pan out you deserve a huge payday. For most of you I sincerly hope you recover your lost capital.

I was way over invested and felt over-exposed and was lucky enough to protect my gains. I did buy back in at $0.68 and will be selling the last of those today. I still hold SLI in my TFSA ...$15,000 invested and $6,600 at present guess we will ride that one out with all of you.

The only comfort for me in this investment is that the people that generated all the hype and did massive amounts of research are the ones who got bit the hardest. Iced, good luck to you. There are many lurkers that are in the same boat.

I have family and friends invested, how could you not If you truly believed in this company? Financial freedom, it was a nice dream. I know this will be pulled and I will get banned for being negitive. I hope you stub your finger on the BANNED button Sculpin.

over 12 years ago
Re: No buyer anytime soon

Sorry Iced I know you and the rest of us were hoping for some great cores and instant bidding war. But through the corrective lens of time this may be more realistic.

over 12 years ago
No buyer anytime soon

The possible suitor for SLI's property in Peru will not even speculate on a price or possible offer until we have PROVEN we have the goods. Thats the way it works. They will only buy once it has been 43-101 documented. They wont speculate, thats our job. Thats how we get the "ten bagger". The buyer will pay alot more for the property but is buying a proven reserve.

With just 2 drills turning and slow analysis from a compliant lab(s) it will be a long time down the road, years. Once the Geo's are able to decipher, map and correlate the data they will be able to make a more educated guess at where the mineralization is and how it trends. Until then we are just throwing darts at the map and hoping the Quantec and Titan data will increase the chances for a hit.

While we were cashed up and hype and hopes were high I would have liked to see 5 or more rigs drilling to increase our chances for the prize and prove up the property quicker.

I still believe there is a gold mine at Tesoro or I would be gone, but I know it will not be for some time before we are able to prove up a massive property like this.

Not MHO just the way it works.

over 12 years ago
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