goldenboy4's Profile

Investor for 10 years. Love the outdoors, fishing,hunting,hiking,canoing,camping.

goldenboy4's Posts

Re: My Question

I am in and listening to some real terrible music! I will let people know what I hear!


over 12 years ago
Re: My Question

I would just love to have something to really chew on as far as concrete news soon, so we could shut up the no minds over at stockhouse!!


over 12 years ago
Re: Stay Grounded

Jake I hear you, but I guess I am just dreaming and wishing outloud. I don't mean to put unrealistic expectations on the conference call, but just wouldn't it be nice to see something good or great regarding news and it comes when you least expect it? It has been a long and hard month my wife and I need some good news!!! Sorry for hoping!!


over 12 years ago
Re: More Drayton Hi-lites

You are a hundred percent right on that point, had nothing to do with Stockhouse rumour. Stock watch is the one that posted it, I got that right from speaking with Murry and seeing it myself on stockwatch. I still find the story a bit of a stretch, but what do I know. Guys all we need to get back to the 2$ and higher range is one great core hole result. Let's get one core from the middle of the anomally about 200-300 metres into it and see that there is a sh--load of gold in that anomaly. Just by shear, extrapolation, everyone would start to assume that the whole anomaly is full of gold. Come on Lori, deliver something tangible, assest enriching, stock building, money in the bank kind of news. Not the same old song and dance, drills are on their way, assays are in a lab, cores samples are sitting on shelf waiting to be looked at. Tangibly moving forward type of news, news that catches shorters and people sleeping at the wheel by surprise!!! OVER DELIVER FOR ONCE PLEASE!!!!


over 12 years ago
Wouldn't it all just make great business sense?

I am thinking that to get the most bang for her buck, Lori (if she were really showing how an astute CEO she is) would halt the stock around 9:30 Pacific Time. Hold the conference call, release an official news release after and keep the stock halted till Monday. In the meantime the shorters would be shi__ing bricks over the weekend and the stock opens at a much higher level that it is currently at today. GETTING THE MOST BANG FOR OUR BUCK!!! Which we haven't seen alot of lately. Just dreaming out loud!!! For once please Lori, surprise us and everyone else. Enough of the over hype and under deliver, lets under promise and over deliver right now!!!!


over 12 years ago
Sorry to get back on topic but!!!

Has anyone else noticed that SLI has no new news out? On a day where gold rises 40 dollars an ounce and the TSX goes up over 100 points and we are down. I talked with Murry and Jeff in the last week and both had nothing new to enlighten me about and both of them seemed to be angry at the fact that there has not been been news flow for investors as well as themselves. They felt that they have been kept in the dark. Murry apologized to me for the sh--show this last 5 months with SLI has been. I told him that I feel like a real idiot for not selling when the stock hit 2.80 0r 2.50 or 2.40 and now have a stock sitting at around a 1.00. I also told him that myself as well as many of my associates who are invested in SLI have lost total faith in SLI managment to be professional and considerate of their investors. We all have agreed that when and if this thing gets back to anywhere near 2.00 we are out!!! The kicker for us I told him was how some people got to sell their shares at 1.90 before the news came out, while we watched the stock drop to.62 cents. Insider information leaked which was not cool, loses credibility with shareholders. They could not disagree with me. Jeff was really frustrated with what has been happenning as far as execution is concerned on the company level. We supposedly have been drilling since the end of Aug. 2011 and here we are 5 months later and all we have is 4600 metres of drilling assayed and no trenching assayed. Unbelievable!!!! Execution is a huge issue here. Where is the Bradley Bros. deep drill, now we aren`t getting it only Endergold or whoever that have a 1000 metre drill, not a 1500 metre drill, do we really know anything. I can see why Hog, Sculpin, Kemo, Bow, Long and all the other regulars have been on here far less. Disallusioned at what has been going on with the management or with the lack of what has been going on. Either way there is nothing ON TOPIC to talk about anymore. We need drilling results, trenching results, assays to move forward. The one thing that I was told recently by Murry is that we will not stop drilling until this thing is sold. He said I know we are going to make money, I am just not sure how much. There will be a mine here! I hope he is right, I want results and proof!!! If only we had true eyes inside to see what has been going on at corporate head quarters to see what has gone on!!!!

Frustrated, bewildered and ready to pack it in,


over 12 years ago
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