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Geologists Opinions

A good long time friend of mine has worked at many mining sites in various countries. As a result, he know a bunch of geologist friends that have worked at some very big projects. One worked for a senior company during the discovery of one of the biggest porphyry deposits in the world. Most of them have first hand experience with porphyry deposits (copper). Anyways, he sent all the data available (historical data, soil samples, etc) to them including data from surrounding plays. All of them were excited on what they saw and said they just have to drill in the right spot! I know that one of them has bought shares on the open market and I also heard that another one wanted to participate in the PP but I unfortunately don't have a confirmation if they did or not. One must realize that many geologists aren't investors and many don't even buy stocks. They are the experts - they interpret data and are responsible for finding deposits but many don't understand the stock market so they stick to what they know.

This is another reason why I averaged down before the closing of the PP and the start of

about 11 years ago
Winter Drilling Not An Issue

When I heard that Prosper Gold said that they will be drilling through the winter because the location is in an area which is sheltered from the harsh storms/winter I asked Farshad. I was told that as long as the drilling equipment and supplies were at the camp they could. BAsed on his optimism and excitement of this next pahse of drilling it seems like he is preplanning to drill through winter even before drilling has started! The good news is that everything is already there. Farshad believes that this property is the best one in the region and he hand picked it following all the work he did well before people rushed to the area! He basically had 1st pick of what he wanted and he is really looking forward to drilling.

As for averaging down, I was going to wait until they got the money and started drilling as I was worried about whether or not they would find enough to fill the PP and secondly, I feared they would not be able to finish phase 2 before the start of winter. Once I knew that drilling in the winter was possible I averaged down while I could. I have no doubt that they will close the PP very soon. The survey should start very soon and I was told it would begin once they got atleast a certain protion of the PP in the treasury. They are eager to start the ball rolling!

about 11 years ago
Re: PGX Rumours

When I read this I knew right away it was just someone pumping PGX. They announced commencement of drilling of 3 Sept and on 9 Sept they have already drilled 800m????? Unless they are drilling through mud it doesn't make sense.

about 11 years ago
Re: a no brainer imo!

Insider selling today.....CEO still selling through 33 to participate in the PP?

100,000 shares at .06.

TSX Venture Exchange

Company Name : Doubleview Capital Corp.
Last Updated: September 9, 2013



about 11 years ago
a no brainer imo!

It was easy to guess that Farshad did the cross to participate in the financing just like he did on the last one. As soon as I saw the PP news this morning and saw the cross I loaded up. I added 165,000 shares while it was easy to get filled.

Farshad has everything lined up and ready to go as soon as the money is in! The rigs are waiting, the crew is waiting for a phone call, the camp is all ready and the helicopter is waiting.

Does anyone really think that he has all this ready and he sold today without really knowing if he will raise enough money?

Its non-brokered because the last few weeks the negotiations with funds didn't go well as they are too greedy and want to take advatage of companies that desperately need money to survive. I am glad that he went non-brokered and with only a half warrant! This is better for shareholders and he is definatley looking after our best interest.

A lot of attention will be on this region with CXO still drilling, PGX drilling and soon DBV as well. I am going to say this now.....DBV will deliver. Study the maps, data and historical data. Low risk and huge potential!

The float is low and shares are in strong hands. Farshad owns 13 million shares and he was one of the geos that look at the properties well before everyone moved to the region. He kept the one that he thought was the best one there!

Farshad has put everything into this. He is the CEO/President of the company that he put together. Unlike many CEO/Presidents which are directors or hold senior positions with other companies, he is only working for DBV and is working hard to succeed as this is his only option! His dream is now about to come to fruition. He is a top notch geo.

I have faith in Farshad delivering. We have the best property in the region and he will prove it soon!

Got DBV?

about 11 years ago
what we know

Here is what we know (along with some assumptions):

A long time ago, the CEO helped the surveying of the land and it is said that he kept what he believes is the best property in the region!

The CEO owns 13 million shares!

The CEO isn't the "best PR" guy as he is a geo at heart so he is now is in good hands with people that will properly tell the story to the market once things heat up.

Some big boys in the region are interested in DBV's drilling and one even asked to do a JV with them but CEO knows the potential and being the biggest shareholder he wants to DBV to own 100% of the project. There is a lot of historical data on this property so they aren't drilling in the blind. If they were drilling in the blind a JV would make sense since it could be very costly and hard on a small junior like DBV to fund.

The financings have been very easy to fund due to interest from the big buys/deep pockets.

It is expected that holes 1-5 are not what we are looking for in terms of long mineralized intercepts and the CEO has told us this. I'm not sure why he drilled there but once the historical data is uploaded it should tell us the story. Someone mentionned that there are 2 anomolies so maybe holes 1-5 were to test the end of one anomaly and hole 6 was to test the other anomaly but not the heart of it. The CEO told a poster that the IP for hole 6 was only 30-35 or so and the next drilling will target the 50-70 area. Red Chris is 57 by the way. Anyone know what CXO's 242m of .63% cu is?

Now if the CEO knew there was an area with an IP of 50-70 why didn't he drill it? Right now he is extremely excited and so is my contact which knows the company and CEO very well.

Here is what I think the reason for not going for the discovery hole right away. With the CEO now in good hands to properly market this I think he has been given good advice. Summer is not the best time to come out with a disovery hole especially when juniors are not in play. Also, gold is being suppressed to ridiculous levels right now. So I think they intentionally targeted the edges of one anomaly with holes 1-5 and hole 6 was to test an area of the 2nd anomaly which wasn't the heart of it which has an IP of 50-70. This hole 6 might just be that he wanted to get one hole in enough of the good stuff to keep the story alive until phase 2 so that there would be enough interest for the next small PP. This way smart money can get in at lower prices before the drilling of the good stuff!

Now the CEO is extremely upbeat for phase 2 but why? Because he knows where the next holes are the heart of it! When will phase 2 results come out? They will be out most likely in Sept which is when gold and the juniors are expected to do much better.

Everyone knows that news announced in the summer when juniors are out of favour will have minimal effect and the same news announced say in october in a resource bull market will have huge exponential effect on the stock price. Does this make sense? Knowing who is guiding him this makes sense!

So although everyone is hoping for the glory hole in hole 6 lets not get too upset when it isn't because I think the CEO intentionally avoided the discovery hole area. Why is the CEO not expecting the glory hole but is so upbeat and is really looking forward to phase 2? He drilled hole 6 in IP of 30-35 when he had an area that gave off 50-70!! There seems to be a plan and we need to read into it. My expectations are low for hole 6. Hopefully the stock price doesn't move up because I plan on accumulating more later in the summer once we see the historical data, holes 1-6 and know the plan.

I really think based on the story that DBV is a winner and is possibly on the best land in the region since the CEO surveyed the region before everyone moved in and had 1st pick of what he wanted! This alone is worth the staying the course for phase 2! If phase 1 was targeting the best targets of the property and they were below expectations I would be quick to sell but knowing the story it could be the biggest mistake one could make! I'm in this for the potential and not for a flip. We are in this early enough that if we are right and one owns enough shares this investment could be life changing! Huge upside potential and little downside.

Anyone have anything else to add to what we know?

about 11 years ago
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