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Re: KWG Gas Patent - International

With all due respect, in my opinion, the importance of whether the process is patentable or not, is a moot point. What is important is that it appears that the process could be a lower cost method of processing chromite ore from the ROF. The real challenge will be to find the right technical/engineering team to take the process from an experimental lab scale to a workable commercial stage.........that could take far longer than dealing with any patent application. At the very least, both efforts could run simultaneously.



over 9 years ago
KWG vs Cliffs

This confrontation has been on our radar screen for over a year. With all due respect to all my fellow NOT investors, I would like to make a few comments based on my experience with the Ontario Mining Act, the Mining and Lands Commissioner's office, MNR, MNDM and the Ontario Government.

IMO, the ruling of the MLC was correct in that she made her decision based on the factual evidence which was submitted by both parties,,,,,,,,under a strict interpretation of the Mining Act, KWG properly staked the claims and is maintaining their claims in good standing by performing and the required assessment work on their linear claim group which, under the Act, qualifies as a valid exploration effort on their part. However, it is obvious to everyone, that KWG's acquisition of these claims also had an another prevent Cliffs or anyone else from doing the same. That corridor is especially important for a N-S route, if not critical, for two reasons.........high ground and a local source of aggregate for construction of any transportation route. KWG could have instead applied to MNR for an aggregate permit, however, IMO that would have been refused. KWG is playing a very smart game.........Moe Lavigne, who is a seasoned former MNDM employee out of their Thunder Bay office, knows the Mining Act inside out....Frank S is a seasoned junior mining promoter who knows his way around the markets.......a dynamite combination.

The current MLC has been in her position for over 30 years.....she has seen a lot especially during the period when MNR was implementing the Lands For Life initiative. During that time, the Government, through MNR, set aside, by regulation, large tracts of essentially uninhabited areas and wilderness as protected areas across the Province with literally no regard to existing mining claims. I think it's a fair assumption, that whatever she decided, she knew that the Government could still, by regulation, overturn/modify any ruling by her.

So here we are.......appeal what??

If KWG expects to somehow be compensated for expropriation by the Government, I would think twice about that. To the best of my knowledge, KWG has not followed up with any exploration based on whatever they discovered from their overburden/till sampling along their claims. As for an aggregate permit, I wouldn't hold my breath. For Cliffs, the latest victory is more symbolic than anything.....perhaps they might get a bit more for sale of their claims in the ROF.

IMO, NOT should proceed full steam ahead with constructing an E-W transportation route......hopefully the Government(s) will provide some financial support as an interim measure in the ROF to provide at least some of the aboriginal communities with more substantial transportation linkages to southern locations.

Respectfully submitted


about 10 years ago
Getting It Right

Unfortunately, "Getting It Right" means different things to different people. Having worked for the Ontario Government, my observations are that the politicians interpret this as "Getting Re-elected" and multiple photo-ops.

Most politicians rely on their political staff for recommendations......not the civil servants in their Ministries, the latter having far more insight and experience in analyzing issues. These advisory staff, in general, are fresh out of university, have no real experience in the real work force, have been with the party since either high school or university, majored in Political Science and are full of themselves. This applies to the PM's office as well!

So what's going to happen in the near term?

Nothing concrete my friends......just the creation of more committees and the hiring of outside consultants to advise them to delay any decisions until after the next election.

The current Ontario government coffers have been depleted by them pissing away billions on ill conceived projects. The few seats they might pick up in N Ont are peanuts compared to what they could in S Ont, provided they spend the few remaining $ in the south. They can always blame the Feds for the inability of solving the First Nations' problems in the north.

I support the EW route. Alan Coutts also has my support to lead NOT into the next phase.

Respectfully submitted


over 10 years ago

Support Builds for New Deal to Revitalize Ontario Northland, Connect Ring of Fire

  • More stakeholders demand government pause its ONTC sell-off plan

  • New website launches today to support the New Deal

NORTH BAY, ON, Dec. 17, 2012 /CNW/ - The New Deal for Northern Ontario (, an initiative to revitalize the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC), build a rail link to the Ring of Fire and create thousands of new jobs, has expanded its base of support among key stakeholders.

Liberal leadership candidate Harinder Takhar recently issued a policy statement calling for "Divestiture of the ONTC to an independent, self-sustaining organization, and the development of a new rail line for the 'Ring of Fire' operations."

Takhar's statement is closely aligned with the New Deal plan to transfer ownership of provincially-held ONTC's railroad and other assets to a new ports authority to be operated under the Canada Marine Act. ONTC operations will be strengthened, and a new rail line to the Ring of Fire mineral deposits will be developed to ship chromite, nickel and other minerals and finished products to markets around the world.

MPP Glen Murray, another Liberal leadership candidate, has called on the government to "pause" its plan to divest the ONTC, while Gerard Kennedy is seeking a "review" of the sell-off decision and further examination of ONTC's potential role in developing the Ring of Fire mineral deposits. Candidate Charles Sousa, meanwhile, supports "a sustainable, reliable ONTC that connects the North and supports jobs."

A growing number of Northern Ontario municipalities have also spoken up either directly in support of the New Deal or for a pause in the sell-off. This includes North Bay City Council, which unanimously passed a resolution that "strongly supports the New Deal for (ONTC) and encourages all levels of government and other stakeholders to work cooperatively to ensure it is implemented expeditiously and successfully."

The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) has spearheaded recent resolutions by at least 18 Northern Ontario municipalities urging the provincial government to "immediately suspend plans to divest from ONTC and to consult with local municipalities, stakeholders and regional economic development organizations regarding the long-term plans for improving the effectiveness of ONTC as a government asset."

These include the municipalities of McDougall, Nipissing, Bonfield, Chisholm, Carling, Kearney, Armour, Macdonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional, Kapuskasing, Timmins, Ryerson, Powassan, Charlton and Dack, Opasitaka, Seguin, Joly, and Temiskaming Shores. In addition, the Town of Huntsville and District of Muskoka passed resolutions calling on the government to reinstate the Northlander passenger train service.

Previously, the New Deal has received the unanimous endorsement of unionized ONTC employees and retirees, and support from First Nations communities, Nipissing-Timiskaming MP Jay Aspin, and mining and other business interests.

"We are delighted that more organizations and individuals recognize the New Deal's benefits to a wide array of interests and to all of Northern Ontario," said Roy Hains, CEO, the James Bay & Lowlands Ports Trustee Corporation.

New Website Launches Today
A new website focusing exclusively on the New Deal - - was launched today. The website provides background information on the initiative, updates, news coverage, maps and other information. The New Deal's online presence now extends to the website, a mobile site, Facebook and Twitter.

About the New Deal for Northern Ontario
The New Deal for Northern Ontario seeks to revitalize the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC) while creating significant economic opportunities and thousands of new jobs in the province's North. The plan, which enjoys broad and growing stakeholder support, will preserve transportation services and hundreds of existing jobs, and provide access to the massive Ring of Fire mineral deposits. Ownership of ONTC's railroad and other assets will be transferred from the provincial government to a new ports authority. The New Deal was developed in response to the Ontario government's March 23, 2012 decision to divest the ONTC. Ontario Northland employs more than 950 workers and supports over 1100 pensioners in Northeastern Ontario, and has an estimated annual economic impact of almost $210 million in the region. More information on the New Deal is available at

almost 12 years ago
Re: 2012 Annual Report Financials

Thanks Fossil for the correction...........I admit that I missed those updates.......didn't read the report as thoroughly as I should have.

However, I am still concerned that approx $5M per year is going towards "Office and General".............especially since WH's statement that "Keeping our eye on your prize"seems to indicate that management's current attitude is somewhat "complacent". Is this a reasonable ongoing expense for what might be construed as the role of "custodians" for the near future? Is the value of our "prize" to be protected or enhanced and reflected in the future SP?

Our market cap is somewhere around $92M fully diuted. The capital requirement for the Eagle's Nest production is approx $877M, including working capital.

I would appreciate comments re the financing options for Noront to bring it into production and what will be the possible SP outcomes.

WRT the share award and options proposals, I will be voting NO.

Respectfully Yours


almost 12 years ago
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