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Re: Tribute Is Drilling....I disagree with the special treatment... Snezzer

snezzer.. u got it all wrong here...canseco and some esle posted that Tribute mineral Inc...got a special treatment from First Nation.

and i disagreed what canseco posted

Tribute mineral Inc. did most of the things right and following protocols. consultantion and the accomodating the First nation. and the company agreed most of things what the first nation want to see in the agreement.

that it folks

over 14 years ago
Re: Tribute Is Drilling....I disagree with the special treatment

hey snezzer yes i do have shares on 5 jr companies in ring of fire.

if i start my bussiness on some1's back yard i bet they would ask me to give them something in return or compensation them

I did not say first nation wants a free lunch..or they want everything for them self ...my community has invested on bussinesses

Webequie has let the company do their work without an agreement in place. webequie has been negotiating with noront in pass 2 years now and still are today..webequie has been in good faith letting them do their drilling and staking and what not.

yes that part of region where the exporation activity is happening both communities still go there to fishing rivers & lakes and do their hunting ..especially in spring and fall season. its not just a swampy land no where. Many FN people still do live off that land.

yes wild life , games has been disturb

i will add more later on..

over 14 years ago
Re: Tribute Is Drilling....I disagree with the special treatment

Booshoo my follow investors I disagree with the special treatment.. The company just did all the right things..

First of all I’m a investor too..I’m a First Nation Member I have been following Tribute mineral Inc , the company has conducted them self professionally ..they have sat down with the Chief & Council and had meetings with the land users of the area , and the company had several community meetings as well …The company did not start drilling until they had a consent from the First Nation Chief and Council & the land users …The company is using the Webequie logistic and the FN 20% owned drilling company.

Recently the parties signed an agreement .. warrants/option s was included in that agreement. Which is very good.. I’m hearing another jr company or private company is about to sign an working agreement with the First Nation....

so come on Noront step up the plate negotiate some warrants/option on your historical agreement. Maybe I’m wrong maybe its already there. I like to see my community prosper.. The community has been in recession for too long..

Over 50 or more families are waiting for new housing. Warrants /option will help when the stocks sky rockets to 20 bucks or more

I believe this is what Noront or any other jr company needs to do. they need to include warrants /options so the 2 First nations (Webequie FN, Marten Falls FN) that are impacted can benefit sooner rather then later. The 2 communities just don’t want to benefit from the employment and business spin-offs

First Nation understand billion of dollars will be exchange once a major company buys out the area. Jr mining companies will be happy profitting millions of dollars and Big & small investors will profit from this too. First Nation sees this is where big chuck of money can be made…..

I don’t see why Webequie First Nation and Marten Falls First Nation should be reward too from the billions of dollar that will be exchanged in 5 to 10 years time…

Do you have some thing against First Nation getting wealthy . Remember this isn’t about one person benefiting from the warrant /options …its the whole community that will benefit from the shares…warrants/options..

that’s it folks chow

over 14 years ago
Re: today luncheon

Webequie FN representation wasn't invited ,,maybe they forgot ...hmmm this is not bad...

over 15 years ago
Re: Webequie First Nation Rejects Noront Compensation!

This doesn't mean Webequie don't want to sign the agreement. Webequie is open to any developments in the area. My source says this is a first offer agreement from this new BOD Noront. New version agreement vs. old version. ...and Noront and Webequie has to go back to the table and address the issues they have.

Noront may have to answer why they don't want to use this and that.

Webequie has an agreement with drilling company Cyr drilling Ontario. They own\ hold 20 % of the company.

Webequie knows what's at stake here. Webequie wants to make money just like everyone. Not just employment, business opportunities.

And labelling Webequie as a extortionists or terrorist. Rogd45 you must be a very narrow minded person or you must have a mind set like skin head.

theres is enough money to be made for everyone ...not just investors..or big investors or the jr company or government ...i mean everyone ,,first nation people

over 15 years ago
Re: Diamonds found in the ring of fire

.the NR states from victor mine 78 km west so its the direction to the ROF not sure how far victor mine is to ROF but I know Attawasipikat. is much further east

I believe u2 is klye lake but T1 I don’t know where the location is

The company is operating from Oval lake camp

over 15 years ago
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