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dogy's Posts

Re: Voting Instruction Form Queries??

I suppose you could just ask yourself if you as an existing shareholder trust current management, are confident that they always keep the best interests of company/shareholders in mind as evidenced by both their actions and communication, believe that they will always act ethically and legally, and if you are satisfied with the historical performance of this team in the past, enough so to feel it will continue in the future?

Your answer to these questions will guide you on how to vote on any recommendations put forth by this very same management team that you were just questioning.


over 10 years ago
Re: Will our share price recover?

I think the reality is due to the lack of information available, your question cannot honestly be answered. Share prices are a result of supply and demand caused by numerous factors and market forces.

A junior's share price is ultimately driven by a couple factors which will enable it to be promoted and allow it to excite both current and prospective shareholders. These factors are well communicated planning followed by successful and well communicated exploration results (the economics), and trust in management.

Although I am unsure of the reason, all of these factors in regards to SLI are not present at this time and have been lacking for some time. We can only speculate as to why we have only been given partial and incomplete information to date but the fact remains shareholders have been in the dark for a long time and the positive information that has been sparingly communicated from management has not yet been reflected in the written news releases.

In my humble opinion, only the release of positive ongoing news that backs up what we are all expecting based on Quantec and historical results as well as verbally from management, combined with a restored faith in whatever management team is at the helm will cause our price to rapidly recover.

As far as timelines your guess is as good as mine but I cannot resist buying more cheap shares at these prices.

about 12 years ago
Re: Intigold

I believe that was the rumour a while back but since Intigold has not done a news release or any promotion to that effect it is probably safe to say that TTAGIT is still on the launch pad.

about 12 years ago
Re: Dazza8: Please Respond

Hi guys, I personally doubt anyone is questioning the validity or contents of the Quantec report or the data it contains and unless I am missing something, am in full agreement with Dazza's statement that everything SLI needed was contained in that report. If however SLI was drilling the targets as outlined in the Quantec report and were not obtaining the anticipated results that were expected from the report data(as indicated thus far by the partial and incomplete assay results), then one of the logical first inquiries would have been made direct to Quantec to request assistance in determining what had gone wrong. It would make total sense to me that SLI would have not needed to call Quantec for ongoing consultation during drilling if the targets were successfully hit and results were as expected.

From my perspective what is the most concerning, were the continual statements and re-assurance from management that they were in constant consultation with Quantec during the drilling program to fine tune, fine tune, fine tune and the statement by Lori at the AGM and shareholder discussions that Quantec had even gone so far as to assign a specific staff member to oversee and consult with SLI on the Tesoro who was reviewing the continual data to assist SLI to fine tune, fine tune fine tune. Apparently several shareholders in discussion directly with Quantec confirmed that to be incorrect?

After lengthy consideration of the above information and the assay results released thus far, I am left with two conclusions for SLI not needing further assistance from Quantec during drilling, after all as we agreed, everything that was needed was provided to SLI in the Quantec report. Either the targets were successfully hit and the positive results have just not yet been released, or total incompetence in running a drill program. I am really hoping for option one..LOL!

about 12 years ago
Re: IGD Private Placement

I can't comment on the Ttagit deal since the company has not yet provided much detailed info on it. However, I would expect and remain hopeful that they will do so shortly as the original rumour suggested that Ttagit was going live sometime this month. Considering there appears to be a number of other companies in this space already, I will be curious to find out what makes Ttagit stand out from the herd.

Also I am quite surprised that we still don't have any results from the exploration work on their Chance E claim thus far. Lori mentioned publicly several times about the trenching program etc that was going on there shortly after the acquisiton but we never heard further. Actually while I think of it, has there ever been any exporation results issued on any of their properties since IGD went public?

Well I guess the current financing needs to be closed first and then I can check back in the fall.

about 12 years ago
Re: IGD Private Placement

I can't comment on the Ttagit deal since the company has not yet provided much detailed info on it. However, I would expect and remain hopeful that they will do so shortly as the original rumour suggested that Ttagit was going live sometime this month. Considering there appears to be a number of other companies in this space already, I will be curious to find out what makes Ttagit stand out from the herd.

Also I am quite surprised that we still don't have any results from the exploration work on their Chance E claim thus far. Lori mentioned publicly several times about the trenching program etc that was going on there shortly after the acquisiton but we never heard further. Actually while I think of it, has there ever been any exporation results issued on any of their properties since IGD went public?

Well I guess the current financing needs to be closed first and then I can check back in the fall.

about 12 years ago
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