dgmoore8370's Profile

dgmoore8370's Posts

I have a question

Hello All,

As some may recall I am not a regular poster. I have been invested in POET for over 18 months and have only posted twice.

I read, absorb, filter and learn.

I have a question about the recent offering and specifically about the concern surrounding the 0.52 cent warrants. Clearly being valid over 5 years is a huge concern to many on this board. My question is, if the price begins to rebound, as Rick The Vet has predicted based on his investment and comments, if it goes up to 0.52 cents can these warrants then be exercised all at once? If so, then whomever has them gains a large piece in the company quickly. And based on how quickly the PO was filled, could this be part of the plan?

Just wondering and looking for some input in this area that I am not clear on.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Please read this

Hello All

Once again I am going to emerge from the sidelines in order to show my support for this excellent idea.

Although I did not submit my number of shares in the last tally I am currently sitting at just over 250 k shares. So I am well invested and rely on this board for information and updates (I ignore the personal attacks and high school antics during down times).

Having a direct contact on this board with the new IR firm will hopefully provide us with clearer and more regular contact.

I fully support Rainer and FJ as Board Representatives.



about 8 years ago
Re: new shareholder

Me three

over 8 years ago
Re: Passion or Practical

Hello to all,

Although I have been an accumulating investor in POET for well over a year now, I have never posted. Reason being, I do not have a tech background and subsequently this is where I have learned almost everything about this great company.

Over time, I have come to know most of you in one fashion or another based on your input, technical knowledge or opinion (including a couple of pm's when it was working).

Every time I read one of Eileen's posts it completely makes sense to me. There is no doubt that Rainer, FJ, Rob, oogee et al are able to simplify the tech and relay that to people like myself, but I always have found that Eileen adds that common sense and insightful aspect to where we are going.

And that message has once again been made very clear ...... we are well on our way, but as long as we are on this used-car salesman exchange expect the unexpected in regards to the sp.

Like many who are well-invested in POET, I too was hoping to be made rich over night. Certainly a halt over several days and a THM did not help, but after watching today, I am competely confident in the direction we are going and incredibly impressed with what this team has accomplished in a very short time. Just imagine the hours and personal sacrifices that have been made by these people to get us where we are today.

Like Eileen, I believe what we saw today was merely a gateway to where we are going, and it will likely be signifcantly faster than what was communicated today. Its what we can't see that is significant.

Thanks to all the respected contributors on this site and to those who were able to attend today and offer their peronal insight.

Now back to the side lines.

Take Care


over 8 years ago
North Bay
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