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cashin17's Posts

Re: Finding Chromite to Test

Is anyone else having display issues with new agoracom ??

almost 8 years ago
Re: Mining Minute Episode 45 - Progress & KWG's Patented Gas Reduction Process

If this is just getting started and will take 2 more years we are in for a whole lot of hurt before the sun shines!!!!

And the twit now wants to use tax $$ to build mosques and refugee camps. Really?? whats wrong with this nit wit and how did he ever get elected???

almost 8 years ago
Re: Monday's event..Hmmmmmm

The Feds will soon have to start creating some jobs, and actually do something if they hope to ever be re-elected. A project like this needs to actually have shovel's in the ground long before election. People need to see, newspapers, TV, ETC. need to broadcast to the public what a wonderful job the current Gov. is doing. Otherwise there is zero hope of getting re-elected. Right now the Ont. Gov. under the Wicked witch have about a 15% or less approval rating, They will be sent packing in a big way which will hurt the feds also.

So It's act now to have people going back to work on long term projects and to have jobs. The gov can then boast about how many people/jobs they have created and how much tax revenue will be created....The clock is ticking on them and I really don't think Trudeu's advidsors are that stupid, Him however ??? well the proff is in the pudding.

almost 8 years ago
More fluff

KWG has history of halting for minor things, I'm really hoping Im wrong this time. My Guess is we will get a update on Natural Gas process, I say this because no other company has halted, and I think its to early for news from China.

JMO,,,,Good luck to all

almost 8 years ago
Re: Chief to put pressure on feds-and wynne

Yes excellent, and maybe our spinless selfie man could mandate to the FN's that any monies given to the FN's will be taxed under the new gov. and that they be accountable for every penny also.

That all monies will be spent to make a better life for them , maybe build a hospital, a rehab center, train FN's to become nurses, councilors, etc. and pay them thus supplying long term jobs on their land.

The blackmail has to stop, I said this years ago and was chastised by many but the proof is now out there , they don't want to work, they just want the cash. Myself as a tax payer, has had enough , maybe we should send them to Syria in exchange.I am pissed and as Herbe said the gov officials are just like them, get elected do nothing and stand their with hand out so we can pay the way.

about 8 years ago
Re: Mining Minute - Episode 32: Is Hexavalent Chromium Present in Processing?

Looked like Moe would have rather been in the dentist chair than doing these interviews. Please Frank stop with these mining minutes or at least have however is responsible take atleast 30 seconds to review before going public with them. If Chinese have people watching our every move do you think they would be impressed? WOW

about 8 years ago
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