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Re: we do not have proof that....

[Who said it was a lie? A lie is not in and of itself a fraud.]

Quantic said they had no contact with SLI management for the last eighteen months,at that time!

A CEO Telling a lie to the shareholders is fraud!

[Who has proof of wash trading? If there was it would be manipulation.]

The Proof has been documented,many know of this!

[No, not releasing azimuths is not a fraud.]

Withholding that information is fraud without a doubt!

Selling of the Cueva Blanca Gold Property ''Without Shareholder Approval'' is that not ''fraud'' ?

[No, that is not a fraud.]

Selling this property to the CEO's former business partner for a ''small fraction'' of the true value,without shareholder approval is fraud! This transaction required a vote from the shareholders,that is the law!

[Otherwise, the horse is dead. It is ready to be packaged and sold as ground beef!]

Stock in your twisted mind because the property has been sold, makes this fraud legal!



over 7 years ago
Re: we do not have proof that....

Stock, Do you think Lori telling the shareholders at the 2011 AGM ''they were working with Quantic on a daily bases'' This was a lie, is that not ''fraud'' ?

All the wash trading that took place after the particial drill results were released, is that not''fraud'' ?

The drilling azimuths that were not included and have NEVEN been realeased,is that not ''fraud''?

Selling of the Cueva Blanca Gold Property ''Without Shareholder Approval'' is that not ''fraud'' ?

Let us not forget---- Stock's Request!  ''If you have proof, quit jaw'in and post it. You never know who is reading! Does anyone else want more than lip service? Prove what you say''

And as far as Lori connecting with the shareholders,this is fine with me,I would like too see this happen, But telling the truth is not wrong! 

over 7 years ago
Re: we do not have proof that....

  Unethical and appalling as it is to see such blatant disrespect to the shareholders it did not constitute fraud in your opinion,but then your opinion is from someone that is not invested and is paid to tell half truths and misrepresent the truth!  The truth ''the proof' has been posted on this board now for the last five years,check it out!  

DEAR SIRS    A 91% MAJORITY VOTE  has been denied by the CEO of ST ELIAS MINES LTD. Lori McClenahan,DEMOCRACY has been denied,Timely disclosure of numerous 

important articles denied,  This CEO misleads share holders,dose not act in there best interest at all,she has lied ,used racial slures,squandered an absurd amount of  company money on travel and promotion and a lavish life style, Lengthy times of complete silence,no communication at all, she tried to push through a 50 to 100 million non brokered private placement only for herself to gain a  51% plus control, Used deceiving maneuvers to mislead the voting process and the share holders votes,changing the dates for the AGM,locking share holders out of the AGM and then denied the vote. This unethical, unprofessional behavior and abuse of power demonstrated by this CEO should not be allowed  and not be allowed to continue. if the securities and regulators are not here to stop this abuse of power,tell me as a share holder of st elias mines who is?  The RCMP? POLITICIANS? MEDIA?   THE  SHARE HOLDERS HAVE AND WILL CONTINUE TO TRY TO FIND JUSTICE TO ALL THESE  VIOLATIONS OF SHARE HOLDERS RIGHTS         

Some Of The Proof !  There is more MUCH MORE!!!

1) A loss of portion of our Carmi Moly project which has a resource estimate of Molybdenum of 50 million pounds at a current trading price for the moly oxide of $9.75 per pound. SLI investors still hold a 49% interest in this property, also referred to as the "Kettle River", and parts of the claim were allowed to lapse by the optionee, which resulted in a SLI geologist and some sort of consultant picking up the expired leases as soon as they lapsed, but not coming back to SLI investors as of yet, to my knowledge.

2) Investors have found several cases of late filing showing up by individual directors of the company over the years, the ABS late filing list, shows several. There has also been late filing of financials a couple times that resulted in the stock being halted . A search on the reprimand list, turns up nothing for these people, at least for our searches. It is supposedly a violation to late report, and if it becomes repetitive, the threat of discipline is an option of the regulators.To find no disciplinary action taken, seems weird.

3) There has been an out of court settlement with a "Lombardo" to the amount of over $200,000 that only shows up in the company,s financials and no news release was released to the public on this matter, other than a brief in the financials. Although this was settled out of court, there may be a certain admission of guilt on SLI,s part, even though no wrong doing has been registered. This is a disturbing concept in itself, the act of out of court settlements by any public traded company, and as we see this practice grow among companies that are subjected to questionable practises. This is contradictory to disclosure and transparency issues between the investor component and the company itself.

4) Intigold Mines(IGD), is a sister company of SLI and enjoy most of the same directors. An aquisition of TTAGIT by IGD last year, had shareholders of the belief, and as per a TSX review, that shareholders had to vote on this transaction. On the Proxy, there was no item as such for an investor to cast their vote. IGD put out a news release on Dec 11th/ 2012 that they received shareholder approval, see below;

"Pursuant to an investment agreement between the Company and TTAGIT, dated November 14, 2012, Intigold agreed to purchase and TTAGIT agreed to sell a 51% interest, subject to a 2.5% royalty, in TTAGIT, in consideration of Intigold paying to TTAGIT the aggregate sum of $300,000 in cash and funding $500,000 for the development and marketing of TTAGIT over a 12 month period. The Company has now received shareholder and final Exchange acceptance to the Transaction."


5) Current management has only about 13,000 shares held total at this time.

6) IIROC has been alerted to what appeared to be suspicious trading in the stock, several times, we see no explanation or reply if anyone/trading house has been reprimanded. The non transparency towards investors by regulators on these types of suspicions, hampers investors abilities to make reasonable investment decisions, whereas, the investor is left with never knowing if an investigation is ever closed or if it is closed and there are no findings by the regulator. There is never a conclusion to the investor, so the investor is always under the assumption that an investigation is ongoing, when in fact, it may be closed.

7) There have been much shorting recorded of this stock, as well as FTD,s recorded state side. The naked shorting element appears to perhaps have a place in this investment/stock as well. I will comment that this stock is tightly held and has been for a few years. Investors have made what appear to be connections with short positions being taken up before news or when expecting news in the past.

8) Investors also monitor Google Earth as part of their DD. A photo placed on the property, by what appears to be an independant photographer, may suggest that at least one leach pad has been set up on the property to process minerals. There has been no news release stating that we are processing on the Tesoro in this manner. Also, there seems to be some conflict between actual news releases from the property, in the line of surface work, and what actual satelite images of the property suggest.

9) There appears to be ongoing investigations by authorities on this company. The problem is, and why this letter is informing more interests at this time, is because assets of our company are being sold at what we consider ridiculous prices. A rumour from Peru has mining equipment there being perhaps sold at pennies on the dollar. The company does a little gold mining on the property and the proceeds help to create a source of revenue to further advance the property, perhaps toward a sale, that would benefit shareholders. If this equipment is being sold, its definitley not in the shareholders best interests and in fact is detrimental to the future of their investment. There are many ways a company can raise funds, shareholders have seen no new attempts lately to do so, so the selling of assets is worrisome and perhaps not justified. Shareholders are running out of time to try and save this company and their investment, which is life savings for some, and believe there is a vindictiveness being displayed by management toward shareholders. We cannot wait for authorities to take years to investigate, as being prudent, we are trying going public in hopes that perhaps incriminating evidence, if any, or any support may surface as a result and help us remove those from office that clearly don,t have shareholders best interests at heart. Our situation is a blatancy and it is little understood why protective agencies have not stepped in here to protect the overall integrity that our situation encompasses.

10) A recent search of Kulwant Sandher, the CFO of SLI, has revealed that the SEC has asked for clarification on some Brinx Resource Ltd filings in 2012. I see that he resigned this year from that very company.

11) In an IGD PP of last year, there is evidence of several placees of being of off shore jurisdiction.

12) A property bought in 2011 or 2012, North Rim property, saw an amount being paid for this property of $230,000. There was no news release issued on this and was discovered in the company,s financials. Its not totally clear, but it seems this property may have been purchased from the CEO,s husband at the time, or his company, Madman Mining Co Ltd. It appears a high price to be paid for this property in comparison to the purchase of the "Gold Summit" property, which seems the prospect potential is much greater.

13) There is a component and element of mistrust among a small portion of shareholders of their computers and phones. These shareholders have witnessed many anomalies with such and can attest to what seemed to be private and sometimes personal information, being revealed on the Stock House investor forum for SLI, shortly after phone discussions were ended, by so called bashers or opposition. To see this type of behaviour surface, along with serious threats of other times, seems to suggest a suspicious element of its own, with this stock. I will also say here, or ask the question, "why are there so many risky and desperate actions by some, if a company has something of little value, and the stock price continuously decreases, who would really care to attack those that are supporting their investment?" 

14) There is more, but this should suffice for the time being, and I believe its enough for one to get the picture of what has been happening to us shareholders of SLI over the last few years. Shareholders have much information documented and disseminated for safe keeping whereas computers could not be trusted, and Google searches started to see links broken to what are deemed to be important historic information about the company and its properties.

over 7 years ago
Re: we do not have proof that....

  Stock you say you don't see any reason to think that SLI was somehow part of a grand conspiracy,but allow me to assure your twisted mind that is NOT what the shareholders think! 

  Shareholders DO have documented proof of fraud,and that is fact !! Fraud has been commited by management and the authorites in this conspircy to cover up the truth, this proof of fraud is real and justice will prevail !!

This is genuine and authentic,not imaginary! Wake up!

"I will also take this opportunity to share that more and more new people are sharing the injustices they encountered throughout the system, publicly. The awareness is spreading further and it is based on factual documentation."

over 7 years ago
Re: we do not have proof that....


Pathetic Attempt to twist the facts again Stock,all must assume that a senior BCSC investigator specialist like Allan Costin would have known about this fantasy policy you try to pass off as fact,and surely if this was true Allan would have told that to not just me but as well told this to all others that asked for the written confirmation as proof that the SLI investigation was closed,or if there ever was an investigation?



over 7 years ago
Re: we do not have proof that....

  [Allan Costin, a senior BCSC investigator specializing in market manipulation and insider trading]   Yep this is the person that I talked to and asked for written conformation that would allow me to show the concerned shareholders in my area that in fact the SLI investigation was actually conducted and that this investigation was now over ''closed''

 I called Allan for this info. because other shareholders including myself did not believe this investigation could possibly be over without charges laid,it was impossible,completely impossible in all of our opinions that this could happen!!    When our conversation was over Allan told me he would see what he could do about sending that info. as he did have my email address this would have been no problem at all.                                                                 WRITTEN CONFORMATION......  NEVER!!!......  HAD THERE REALLY BEEN  AN  INVESTIGATION  LORI  WOULD  BE  IN  JAIL!!!

over 7 years ago
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