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Re: This was hand typed from Renova press center. No copying allowed

..... I guess there goes the theory that Burlingame (BAM) and MAB were one and the same .......

almost 15 years ago
Re: Computershare - transfer agent for Falcon Oil and GAs/ non-votes/soly

<<< Non votes means they did not mail in or cast their votes online >>>

Do you know that for sure, Soly? I have heard that too, but I have been told by a friend that this is not the case, that the non-votes are only those where a proxy has been returned and the shareholder elected not to vote on an issue, one of the 4 choices given to the shareholder on the proxy form :

"There are four categories of votes: For, Against, Abstain, and Not Voted (these votes are automatically voted by management). If an investor is unsure about an issue it is best to abstain as these votes are not cast either for, or against a vote and are not counted in the final tally.


"The securities represented by this proxy will be voted as directed by the holder, however, if such a direction is not made in respect of any matter, this proxy will be voted as recommended by Management."

Notice it says this proxy will be voted. It doesn't say they could vote those shares where the proxy was not returned.... you may be right, but just wondering .......

almost 15 years ago
Re: Computershare - transfer agent for Falcon Oil and GAs/ non-votes

A lot of concern has been expressed about the "non-votes" and the fact that MAB could use them to his advantage. But I have a question -- Are the "non-votes" just those proxies that have been returned and the shareholder elected to not make a vote selection, or does it include those eligible votes where the shareholder did not return the proxy at all? If it is the former, it seems like that process would not be anything out of the ordinary and the number of votes MAB could use not all that substantial ..... just wondering.

almost 15 years ago
Re: Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. enters into binding agreement to acquire an additional 25%

" I think continuing a practice of funding projects in Australia and outside the JV area is reckless and unwise."

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, Vitrik, and regarding Australia, I might even agree with you, at least a little, - although there are those (Ben Law comes to mind) who are of the opinion that there is great potential down under ......

But outside the JV area includes the 100% Falcon owned lands where Falcon has a production license, does it not?? ..... and land where they now have an exploration license where they could possibly obtain another production license. Seems to me most have forgotten about these "non-JV" lands yet they may represent huge potential for Falcon, and it makes sense to me for a variety of reasons to explore that opportunity ..... even now.

Can anyone elaborate on just how much production license lands and exploration license lands Falcon has, and how this compares with the Falcon/MOL/FO jv lands .... in size and opportunity??? ..... Lanman? ..... seems to me, they represent great opportunity, and as I have already said, opportunity that seems to have been somewhat overlooked.


over 15 years ago
Re: Is this news/can anyone verify? / huh?

Can somebody explain what this means?

"With 566.91 million shares outstanding and 309,700 shares declared short as of April 2009, there is a failure to deliver in shares of FOLGF. According to quarterly data provided by the SEC, there were still 5,124,000 shares of FOLGF that were failing-to-deliver as of September 19, 2005. "

over 15 years ago
Has anyone heard from the RM lately ?

I have my cap on backwards today, and while I really don't want to get ahead of myself here, but at what point should we bring out the rally monkey? .... at least maybe give him a call and tell him to be warming up in case his services are needed ..... say in 60 -90 days. I mean it's been so long since he's had any action, he may have forgotten his routine or maybe even gone out of business by now. In that case, we may have to look for a new monkey -- I hear there's a few monkey asses on the other board, but not sure they are smart enough to learn a new dance.

over 15 years ago
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