ballyculter's Profile

ballyculter's Posts

Re: Mylar ...

Very eloquently put Justin. Check out the stocks mylax the goat has listed in its public portfolio, the only stock it posts on is AAA. IMO this boiler house goat doesn't even have the sense to post occasionally on the other stocks it dreams of owning.

Now to business, why would AAA post this Arrangement of Agreement shortly after close of trading hours and then announce a conference call the next morning at 0830 hrs? My opinion is that they sure did not want to give shareholders much opportunity to question this low-ball bid.

over 9 years ago
Re: Time to reflect

Hello folks, I would like to thank all those who contributed to this discussion forum, most here were hoping for better including moi. We seen 20m shares approx. traded today at 47/48 cents, can I assume ICL was the major buyer thro various trading houses? All we can do now is move on from here and remember,

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” - Vince Lombardi

GLTA in your future investments.

over 9 years ago
Ireland Says Ready to Support Second Ethiopian Growth, Transformation Plan Fea

"Better way to farm, let cows eat grass."

Grim knows conventional, grain-based dairies are often skeptical of switching to grass. After all, he started as a conventional dairy, too. But the fear of lost production and profits with grass isn’t necessarily true.

“What we’re seeing is something totally different from that,” he said.

He predicts grazing will continue to attract new producers — partly because record grain prices make it increasingly difficult to make money on a grain-based dairy.

And, grazing is sustainable. What the cows eat, they later drop as fertilizer.

As for equipment, there’s no need for a planter or harvester, and he can pretty much do everything with a couple tractors, a hay mower and a round baler, and on half the acres as a grain-based dairy.

"Ireland is a agricultural based economy and knows how important potash is for grass and hay production, dairy cattle can produce the same amount of product on half the acres when grass fed and will cause fewer cancer related deceases."

17 Mar 2015 Asefa Mideksa Economy 117 times Addis Ababa March 16/2015 The government of Ireland is ready to support the second Ethiopian Growth and Transformation Plan, Ireland’s Minister of State for Development, Trade Promotion and North-South Cooperation Sean Sherlock said. This was disclosed while Foreign Affairs State Minister Birhane Gebrekiristos and Minister of State for Development, Trade Promotion and North-South Cooperation Sean Sherlock held talks in Addis Ababa today. Sean Sherlock said we continue to celebrate the relationship between Ethiopia and Ireland and is ready to support Ethiopia. State Minister Birhane on his part appreciated the support the Irish government has been extending to Ethiopia, adding that the two countries should strengthen their existing trade and investment relations. The activities Ireland companies have started undertaking in Ethiopia are encouraging and should be consolidated, he underlined. The two countries have many areas of cooperation that enable them to work together, Birhane stated, adding that bilateral relations between them have been improving since the visit of Irish President Michael D. Higgins to Ethiopia last November. The commencement of Ethiopia Airlines’ direct flight from Addis Ababa to Dublin would create a wonderful opportunity not only to reach Ethiopia but also Africa, the state minister added. Ireland has been donated 30 million Euros to Ethiopia every year out of the total 630 million Euro fund allotted to developing countries. - See more at:

over 9 years ago
Construction of Awash- Hara Gebeya railway line launched

Construction of Awash- Hara Gebeya railway line launched Featured

25 Feb 2015 Meseret Bekele

45 times

Addis Ababa February 25/2015 Construction of the Awash- Weldia- Hara Gebeya railway project, which is part of the railway system that will connect northern and north eastern part of the country with port of Tadjoura, officially launched today.

Construction of the 370km long railway line is expected to be finalized within three and half years.

The project, in which its construction is being carried out by a Turkish company, Yapi Merkezi, will consume 1.7 billion USD.

Yapi Merkezi has completed the Dubai Metro Project, Casablanca tramline and Ankara - Konya high speed rail line that make the company a world brand in rail systems.

The contract agreement for the construction of the railway line was signed two years ago and the plan was to finalize the project in December 2015.

But construction of the project forced to be delayed because of problems related to securing funds from development partners.

Now the nation has managed to secure the money needed to finance the project, most of it from Exim Bank of Turkey and the remaining from other EU countries.

The partnership between the EU countries to extend the support to this project is a result of the nation's policy that prioritizes economic diplomacy, said Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn during the occasion.

The railway, which will operate using renewable energy, is a manifestation of Ethiopia's target to build environmental friendly projects that use renewable energy and minimizes expenditure on oil, he added.

The Mekele- Woldia- Hara Gebeya- Semera- Tadjourah Port railway project is one of the eight railway routs identified by the government as important to boost the transportation network within the country and with neighboring countries and ports.

A few days ago a cornerstone was laid for the construction of a 220km railway line between Mekele- Hara Gebeya- Weldia, which is part of this railway system. Construction of this project will be completed within three and half years and is expected to consume 1.5 billion USD.

Construction of these and other railway infrastructures that will boost domestic transportation system and enables the nation reach ports makes Ethiopia the leading African country in railway developments, HaileMariam said.

- See more at:

over 9 years ago
Fertilizer Blending to Begin in a Month at Four Plants Nationwide

Fertilizer Blending to Begin in a Month at Four Plants Nationwide

Specific areas will get specific fertilizer mix based on their soil type

The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and the Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA), together with four cooperative unions located in four regions are constructing four fertilizer blending factories that are expected to start supplying their products after one month.

The plants are being constructed by Gibe Dedessa Farmers Cooperative Union in Oromia Region, Merkeb Cooperative Union in Amhara Region, Enderta Multipurpose Farmers Cooperative Union in Tigray Region and Melek Site in Southern Nations, Nationalities & Peoples Region (SNNPR).

The construction of the blending factories was initiated by the first ever soil fertility study and digital soil fertility mapping project done in the 2013/14 fiscal year in 162 Weredas that revealed the soil in the country needed additional nutrients other than nitrogen and phosphorus.

The Ministry and the ATA found out that sulfur, potassium, boron and zinc nutrients are deficient in many areas which indicated that one compound fertilizer NPS and five blended fertilizers namely NPSB, NPKSB, NPSZnB, NPKSZnB, and NPSZn are needed to address the key nutrient deficiencies in the tested soils according to ATA’s 2013/14 report. Now the soil fertility survey of 350 Weredas is completed, but so far only the soil map for Tigray has been completed.

The Gibe Dedessa blending factory will avail its products to six western Oromia Zones including Illubabor Zone, Jimma Zone, Half of the western Shoa, and the four Zones of Wollega, according to Arebu Ali, Deputy manager of Union.

Through Ethiopian Soil Information System (EthioSIS) project, which undertook extensive demonstrations in 30,000 sites, both on farmers’ plots and at farmer training centers, the introduction of new fertilizers to the soil was validated.

The country, which has been using only di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) and Urea for the past 14 years, abandoned DAP and began importing a new fertilizer called NPS.

The blending factories are meant to increase the production and productivity of the farmers in the country through the supply of appropriate fertilizer to the soils.

Since 2003/04, productivity and production of cereal crops has increased by an annual average of 5.3pc and 9.1pc, respectively. Reports from the Central Statistics Agency (CSA) indicate that there is a 15.35pc increase in total cereal production over the past year, especially in teff, wheat and maize.

The national fertilizer blending program, that was launched by the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU)between the MoA and the ATA and Allana Potash Corp in 2013, has seen the first of the planned five plants in June 2014, which, together with the new ones, is expected to benefit 11 million farmers. It was built by a 1.2 million dollar grant from the USAID Feed the Future innovation, which has also given another four million dollars for improved inputs.

The blending factories will be administered under the respective unions and they will distribute their products to the farmers in their mandated areas through the cooperatives, according to Tekalegn Mamo (Prof.), State minister and ministries advisor of MoA.

“We will have more blending factories, which will supply their respective Weredas and Kebeles appropriate fertilizers depending on their fertility,” Tekalign told Fortune.

That, he says, will increase the productivity of the farmers.

For the five factories, including the one that is operational, five international managers were hired; one for each of the factories. The staff of the factories will be hired by the unions.


Published on February 01, 2015 [ Vol 15 ,No 770]

over 9 years ago
Re: delay. delay, delayed

Thanks Justin, it would appear Allana has the shareholders best interests at heart. Heineken and the Ethoipian national brewery are persently expanding and will require more ferts. for barley etc. GTA.

over 9 years ago
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