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"Better way to farm, let cows eat grass."

Grim knows conventional, grain-based dairies are often skeptical of switching to grass. After all, he started as a conventional dairy, too. But the fear of lost production and profits with grass isn’t necessarily true.

“What we’re seeing is something totally different from that,” he said.

He predicts grazing will continue to attract new producers — partly because record grain prices make it increasingly difficult to make money on a grain-based dairy.

And, grazing is sustainable. What the cows eat, they later drop as fertilizer.

As for equipment, there’s no need for a planter or harvester, and he can pretty much do everything with a couple tractors, a hay mower and a round baler, and on half the acres as a grain-based dairy.

"Ireland is a agricultural based economy and knows how important potash is for grass and hay production, dairy cattle can produce the same amount of product on half the acres when grass fed and will cause fewer cancer related deceases."

17 Mar 2015 Asefa Mideksa Economy 117 times Addis Ababa March 16/2015 The government of Ireland is ready to support the second Ethiopian Growth and Transformation Plan, Ireland’s Minister of State for Development, Trade Promotion and North-South Cooperation Sean Sherlock said. This was disclosed while Foreign Affairs State Minister Birhane Gebrekiristos and Minister of State for Development, Trade Promotion and North-South Cooperation Sean Sherlock held talks in Addis Ababa today. Sean Sherlock said we continue to celebrate the relationship between Ethiopia and Ireland and is ready to support Ethiopia. State Minister Birhane on his part appreciated the support the Irish government has been extending to Ethiopia, adding that the two countries should strengthen their existing trade and investment relations. The activities Ireland companies have started undertaking in Ethiopia are encouraging and should be consolidated, he underlined. The two countries have many areas of cooperation that enable them to work together, Birhane stated, adding that bilateral relations between them have been improving since the visit of Irish President Michael D. Higgins to Ethiopia last November. The commencement of Ethiopia Airlines’ direct flight from Addis Ababa to Dublin would create a wonderful opportunity not only to reach Ethiopia but also Africa, the state minister added. Ireland has been donated 30 million Euros to Ethiopia every year out of the total 630 million Euro fund allotted to developing countries. - See more at:

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