alba40's Profile

alba40's Posts

Re: Carmax 2017

You have right, Pretty sure the news will be good. I take a guess. I bought more share today at 0.025 this price is very attractive.

What is your opinion on the case for 24/01/2017.

over 7 years ago
Re: Carmax 2017

happy holidays to you,

2017 Will be a great years for us, more investment to come for carmax. As you say, will be a lot of copper and metals in safe area for generations. I repeat is a monster area, hope some more big investment will come. That will tell us:  exploration to mining process will start. Let see what append afer 24/01/2017.  Hope and pray 2017. God told me, go it for carmax.


Thx have a great christmas time and new years.

over 7 years ago
Re: Carmax's Eaglehead testing returns 89.9% Cu recovery

J’assume que tu parles français. Dans le même ordre de pensé , je pense que la vente SC et Arizona  Donneras de la liquidité pour finaliser Eaglehead .

Avec la  décision de rétablir la réclamation # 1034634 de Carmax,  Si il vont en cours suprême

C’est parce-que il y a quelques chose d’énorme entre les mains de Carmax.

Bonne lecture.


almost 8 years ago
Re: Carmax's Eaglehead testing returns 89.9% Cu recovery

The recovery is higher then 70%, is very good output.

the loss is very low.

Info on Bond Ball Mill Work Index (BWI =




almost 8 years ago
Carmax's Eaglehead testing returns 89.9% Cu recovery

2016-12-19 07:05 ET - News Release

Mr. Jevin Werbes reports


Carmax Mining Corp. has released results from preliminary grindability and flotation testing on Carmax Mining Corp.'s Eaglehead copper-gold-molybdenum project, located in northwest British Columbia. Testwork was completed by SGS Mineral Services.


  • All copper is present as copper sulphides -- primarily as chalcopyrite with lesser amounts of bornite.

  • The final copper/molybdenite bulk concentrate from lock cycle testing assayed 29.6 per cent copper (Cu), 2.72 per cent molybenum (Mo), 28.2 grams per tonne gold (Au), and 175.9 g/t silver (Ag).

  • Metal recoveries of 89.9 per cent copper, 71.1 per cent molybdenite, 78.6 per cent gold, and 78.1 per cent silver were achieved in locked-cycle tests.

  • Low concentrations of arsenic, selenium and tin were recorded in the concentrate.

  • Tests to upgrade molybdenum recovery in a separate molybdenum cleaner circuit were not completed.

Jevin Werbes, president of Carmax, stated: "We are very pleased with these results, which were an extension of the 2015 testwork. Locked cycle tests produced a clean copper concentrate with significant by-product credits. As a result, SGS has recommended more analytical work focusing on a comprehensive testing program, including a significant number of locked-cycle tests."

Summary of testwork

Four representative flotation samples, with weights ranging from 17.0 to 43.6 kilograms, were sent to SGS. Additionally, 15 grindability samples, with weights ranging from 8.8 to 36.9 kg were also submitted.

A master composite was prepared from four subcomposites. Head assays of the major elements from the master composite and the four subcomposites are summarized in the associated table.

HEAD ASSAYS OF MASTER COMPOSITE AND SUBCOMPOSITES Analyte Unit Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Master composite Cu % 0.31 0.16 0.27 0.19 0.2 Mo % 0.008 0.033 0.050 0.019 0.024 Au g/t 0.10 0.07 0.27 0.24 0.18 Ag g/t 1.30 1.00 1.60 1.40 1.30 Fe % 1.22 1.03 1.37 2.05 1.94 S % 0.47 0.55 0.67 0.19 0.27


QEMScan (quantitative evaluation of minerals by scanning) analysis on the subcomposite samples show that chalcopyrite and bornite are the dominant copper sulphides, with low pyrite concentrations ranging from 0.03 to 0.17 per cent. Gangue minerals include dominantly plagioclase and quartz along with sericite/muscovite, K-feldspar and carbonates.


Bond ball mill work index (BWI) testing was performed on nine samples. The indices varied from 16.9 to 20.6 kilowatt-hours per tonne, with an average of 18.6 kwh/t. Bond abrasion index (AI) testing was performed on six samples and indices ranged from 0.211 gram to 0.554 g, with an average AI of 0.381 g. These samples were categorized as hard and very hard with medium to abrasive abrasion indices.

Locked-cycle tests

All samples responded well to conventional copper-molybdenite flotation. Testwork employed four stages of roughing. This was followed by regrind and three stages of cleaning with a primary grind size K80 of approximately 150 micrometres and a regrind size K80 of 21 micrometres. The final copper/molybdenite bulk concentrate assayed 29.6 per cent Cu, 2.72 per cent Mo, 28.2 g/t Au and 175.9 g/t Ag at recoveries of 89.9 per cent copper, 71.1 per cent molybdenite, 78.6 per cent gold, and 78.1 per cent silver.


SGS made the following recommendation for further testwork on the copper mineralization:

  • Further copper-molybdenite separation and flotation optimization, investigating the effect of primary grind size on flotation;

  • Copper-molybdenite separation testing to estimate the final molybdenite concentrate metallurgy (grade and recovery);

  • Flotation optimization, such as the effect of primary grind size.

Sample preparation and testwork parameters

The flotation samples were stage crushed to minus 10 mesh, homogenized, rotary split into two-kilogram charges and freezer-stored for testwork.

The flotation test procedure involved grinding a two kg test charge at 65 per cent solids in a laboratory ball mill to target grind size. After grinding, the density of the pulp was adjusted to 33 per cent solids in a Denver D1 flotation cell. The collectors were then added, conditioned and finally the frother added. Regrinding of the rougher concentrate for cleaner tests was conducted using ceramic grinding media in a ceramic mill. Cleaning was conducted using a 250 g cell using the same procedures. All products were filtered, dried, weighed and assayed.

Flotation times were 14 minutes and four stages of rougher were employed for all tests. Initial grind calibrations were performed followed by rougher kinetic, batch cleaner and locked-cycle tests.

Nine samples (samples weight ranged from 8.8 to 36.9 kg) were subjected to bond ball mill work index (BWI) testing. Each sample was stage crushed to minus six mesh and homogenized. The test was performed at 80 mesh of grind (180 micrometres). Six samples were subjected to abrasion index (AI) testing. Each sample was stage crushed to minus-three-quarters inch and homogenized.

Chris M. Healey, PGeo, a director of Carmax, is a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101, and has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this news release.

About the Eaglehead project

The Eaglehead property hosts an NI 43-101 inferred mineral resource estimated to total 102.5 million tonnes at an average grade of 0.29 per cent Cu, 0.010 per cent Mo and 0.08 g/t Au. The NI 43-101 technical report was prepared by RPA Inc. (see Carmax news release dated May 16, 2012), by Barry McDonough, PGeo, and David W. Rennie, PEng, both qualified persons. The report is filed on SEDAR.

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almost 8 years ago
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