aiminvestor's Profile

UK based private investor in Canadian mining juniors.

aiminvestor's Posts

Re: New Board Request

Dear Sirs,

I think you may have misunderstood the original request.

This is the SLI FORUM, and some of us would like it to focus on SLI, rather than being diluted with global conspiracy theory posts, which simply disrupt the flow of discussion on the chosen topic. which is SLI.

The request is you create a golbal conspiracy thread for those people that wish to discuss global conpiracies, or, please create an SLI thread for on topic discussion only, for those that people wish to discuss SLI, and we can leave this thread for global conspiracy discussions.


I think that's quite clear, fair, and reasonable, don't you?

over 7 years ago
Re: we do not have proof that....



You have a PM with Lori's email address.



over 7 years ago
Re: No reply from Lori

Maybe everyone here should email lori and ask the same questions?


If she's no longer interested in SLI, she can tell us, and if she has a plan to resurrect the company, then answering those questions will be needed before she can engage with investors again, IMO.



over 7 years ago
Re: No reply from Lori

Thanks for the replies yesterday after I posted the email sent to Lori.

It has not been rejected so has been delivered as far as i'm concerned. We also know people close to SLI monitor/watch these boards so I am sure Lori is aware it has been sent, and the contents.


I accept there are a lot of questions there, but most are easily answerable in a couple of minutes, the CEO should know all those answers straight away, so although the list might look long and formidable, in fact for Lori it's probably 10 minutes work, and if ncessary she can defer some of the answers if she needs more time to reply to them all.

Those questions are very pertinent, and before anyone invests more money in SLI, they should require those questions answered. All this "don't ask anything of her" is ridiculous, Lori is running a company, and is accountable, and should want to share information with the shareholders and owners of the company, especially if she is seeking new investment from those shareholders.

Her vision in particular must already exist, so why not share it?

What is important is the reply is in writing and on the website, which is still functioning, and they have the tech guys in IGD if they need any help to post an update. 

Otherwise she can reply to my email, and I will post her reply verbatim and without any additional comment on here.


I think that's fair enough, don't you?




over 7 years ago
Re: No reply from Lori


These are the questions asked in the email I sent. This email was sent to a gmail address that I am assured belongs to Lori, and appeared genuine.

To date there has been no reply, and no send reject response, so I conclude that it has arrived becasue it has not been returned with a delivery failure.

The tone was friendly and conciliatory throughout.







As a shareholder I would like to know:

  • Is St. Elias Mines still a registered company?

  • If yes:

  • The current financial state of the company

  • Any negative working capital amounts, and to whom is that money owed?

  • A list of current licences held, and their standing.

  • A list of licences divested, when, and to whom, and at what price?

  • List any other assets held, and their current value.

  • List any subsidiaries owned


We then need to know your vision for moving forward and creating shareholder value.



I would also like to know:

  • Will it be possible to finance and resume operations?

  • if yes:

  • The next proposed steps project wise. (I.E. Re-drill Tesoro? Or acquire a new project?

  • How much money needs to be raised initially?

  • Will any money raised be utilized to pay off existng debts? If so, how much, and to whom?

  • What else will the money be used for? ( I.E. Drilling? buying a project?)

  • What percentage of money raised will be put into the ground?

  • How many shares do you propose to issue, and to whom?

  • At what price will these shares be issued?

  • Will management convert debt owed to themselves to equity, and if so, at what price?

  • Will new directors be appointed or elected?

  • What percentage of funds will be used in promotional efforts including travel?



Answering these questions may enable a bridge to be built, otherwise it's hard to see how the current impasse can ever be resolved.


Best regards,


SLI shareholder.


over 7 years ago
Re: New board request?

I agree, I think a new board dedicated solely to conspiracy theories in general is a great idea.

I find those type pf posts,, whilst of interest, disrupt this thread because one minute we are discussing an SLI related issue, then the next global financial conspiracies.

My recent posts re emailing Lori were a case in pojnt, immediately drowned out by several conspiracy theory posts, when in fact emailing Lorri to establish the status of our company was surely more important? 

Agoracom, please create a consopiracy thread, I for one will read it.


over 7 years ago
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