Waitondream's Profile

Waitondream's Posts

Re: Patients?

I could not agree more.  That was a blatant violation of the rules. Threats of physical violence have no place on this board. So we watched bashing,  name calling,  and now threats from Rickthevet .  That is pushing the tolerance of the board to far and as my mom use to say when I was a kid,  two wrongs does not make a right. 

almost 8 years ago
Re: RE: someone will buy us out before we are profitable and are a threat

Turr I know some of you have been waiting a long time, but let's not start feeding the vultures just yet by encouraging such negative conversations. We have the AGM coming shortly and hopefully news on or there after so don't give into the negative mind games we all know are played on these boards. Hope you had a great holiday weekend! I am sticking with POET and still firmly believe in our management.

about 8 years ago
Re: UK leaves EU

As I sat and watched the drama unfold today I could not help but wonder how much worse things could be for poet and retail investors if we had entered the other exchanges already. All in all so far the SP weathered the first day of this uncertain development rather well. Any thoughts on this?

about 8 years ago
Re: No sign of Canaccord today:).

From the US side I was just glad to see the SP hold its ground all day and the trade was above average so I consider that a small win for the day. The true test will be in the up coming week or two if we on this board can resist the never ending urge to over speculate and squabble. Almost need to have anxiety meds passed out to the board every time a THM OR AGM occurs. Here's to not getting an ulcer in the final stretch and to not needing therapy afterward for those watching for a pink unicorns parade and they don't come prancing our way. Patience is a virtue but not one that I happen to be good at! Lol. Hang in there gang we all know it's just a question of when not if it will happen. Cheers!!!

over 8 years ago
Questions about other unrealized products

So I was just curious for those that follow the various pattents that are owned by Poet. We talk a lot about the a couple of the known developments that are underway and that is great information, but for those that follow all the various pattents are there still other products specific to Poet that remain on the back burner? Does anyone know of development being done by the newest acquisitions? I am just trying ng to see beyond the VSCEL and dector at this point. We know they are underway but is that length list of pattents all tied to those or do we have other potential developments and if so what in your opinions would be the next areas of focus for the company. Just thinking it is good to look at the whole strength of this company while we wait with baited breath on those discussed at the THM. I have seen over the months and years posts about new pattents being approved, but I must admit I had tunnel vision focusing in on the couple that would drive us to market. So please all you pattent savey friends enlighten areas that have fallen to the back burner.

over 8 years ago
Re: fairchijisback

You know if it was not for posts from FJ and Rainer when I first dipped my toe into this investment venture I would not have kept investing like I have. Both of these extraordinary gentlemen tireless provide clarifications, focus, and at times some good old tough love to this board. I hope the individual that left uncool messages on FJ'S home phone is not a part of bringing his down rating using another name What ever the case those that are trying to decrease FJ'S standing should know that as previously stated by others on this board what ever you attempt we will unite to undo it every time so it is an act of futility at best. Stop the foolishness and remember we can agree to disagree but good leaders who provide balance and structure are hard to find and FJ is just that sort of leader. If not for him and a few other who made this board a reality, we may all be enduring the torture of reading SH for information. Every time I looked on that site I felt I need to take a shower.

over 8 years ago
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