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Falcon Oil & Gas looks forward to Aussie shale gas progress

07:46 28 Nov 2016

The significant new shale discovery was confirmed in October, but a moratorium on fracking means Falcon and its partners are playing a waiting game.

onshore drilling operation

Drilling in Australia has proved very successful

With the filing of its interim statement Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd (LON:FOG) highlighted that its partner Origin Energy intends to meet with the Northern Territory authorities soon to discuss a revised timetable for its shale gas venture.

It comes amid a moratorium on fracking, put in place following the recent Australian election.

As a new government sponsored assessment of fracking takes place the joint venture - between Falcon, Origin and Sasol – is confined to desktop analysis and evaluation work.

After a successful start to what was supposed to be a nine-well drill programme Origin in October issued an official notification of discovery.

A new resource evaluation report is currently being worked on to further detail the size and scope of the discovery and the potential of its surrounding areas.

Separately, Falcon also highlighted that the government process is ongoing in South Africa, where it is expected that exploration licences will be issued in 2017.

In terms of financials Falcon pointed to its strong positions. It says it had US$10.6mln of cash at the end of September and it was debt free.

The company told investors it continues to focus on strict cost management, and efficient control of its portfolio. General and admin costs were reduced by 13% in the first half of the year, down to US$1.6mln.


almost 8 years ago
Falcon Oil & Gas boosted by significant Aussie shale gas milestone

Falcon Oil & Gas boosted by significant Aussie shale gas milestone


07:00 13 Oct 2016

“This declaration of discovery is a huge leap forward, so it is terribly exciting,” chief executive Philip O'Quigley said.

oil field

Testing will continue for Amungee NW-1H for at least another 20 days.

There’s lots still to do, but today’s declaration that Amungee is officially a discovery marks a significant milestone for Falcon Oil & Gas Plc (LON:FOG, CVE:FO).

Amungee NW-1H, the well that is still being tested, is one element of an ongoing and successful exploration programme that’s being led by Australian major Origin Energy.

“Origin came on board couple of years ago and started drilling only last year, this project is just going from strength to strength,” Philip O’Quigley, Falcon chief executive, said in an interview with Proactive Investors.

“This declaration of discovery is a huge leap forward, so it is terribly exciting.”

“All in all, we’ve had five operations in the last eighteen months or so.”

“It has been a fantastic exploration programme to date, working with Origin, really a world class operator.”

At Amungee a flow testing programme is still in the early stages - 10 of at least 30 days have past since flows began - and the well continues to recover fluids from the fracking programme.

Nevertheless, the well has been producing rates of between 0.8 and 1.2 million standard cubic feet of gas per day and early analysis indicates a dry gas composition containing less than 4% carbon dioxide.

The shale discovery itself is said to have a thickness of 30 metres. Porosity was said to be between 4.0% and 7.5%; gas saturation is measured between 50% to 75%, and permeability between 50 and 500 nano-Darcy.

Falcon highlighted that work to determine the discovery’s size is ongoing.

“That’s a lot of desktop study to go on with the next coming months,” O’Quigley said. “Then, we’ll head into the next phase of the drilling programme.”

Exactly what those plans will look like is somewhat unclear presently due to the recent start of a moratorium on hydraulic fracture stimulation in the Northern Territory, following the election of a new Australian government in the summer.

In reference to the temporary moratorium, O’Quigley added: “that kind of puts a stall on us, if you like, to what would otherwise be an accelerated drilling programme on the back of these fantastic results.”

O’Quigley notes that a prior independent assessment of the often controversial extraction method – which was commissioned under the prior government, had previously made strong conclusions and recommendations in favour of the industry.

“In the report, he [Dr Allan Hawke] comes out with two rather strong statements and recommendations.

“One being that the environmental risks associated with hydraulic fracturing can be managed effectively, subject to the creation of a robust regulatory regime.

“And the other heavy statement he makes is that, having taken regard to the weight of all the expert opinion – and I think there was something like 260 submissions made - his enquiry finds that there is no justification whatsoever for the imposition of a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing in the northern territory.”

Australia’s new labour led government has now put the moratorium in place and is commissioning it’s a further independent enquiry.

Falcon and Origin won’t be sitting on their hands in the meantime, however, as there’s plenty of desk top work still to be done.

O’Quigley told Proactive Investors he looks forward to bringing more positive operational news in the coming months.

“This is a vast basin. We’ve got something in the order of 4.6mln acres, so you know, this is early stages but we’re taking huge positive steps with every step we make,” he added.

On Wednesday, Falcon shares gained around 6% to trade at 4.37p.


almost 8 years ago
Falcon Oil & Gas reveals ‘very encouraging’ early flow rates from Australian sha

Falcon Oil & Gas reveals ‘very encouraging’ early flow rates from Australian shale well


07:08 29 Sep 2016

“Preliminary results of the first horizontal exploration well in the Beetaloo are very encouraging," said chief executive Philip O'Quigley.

onshore drilling operation

Falcon will now prepare an extended production test

Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd (LON:FOG, CVE:FO) has told investors that early gas flow rates from the horizontal Amungee NW-1H well, in Australia’s Beetaloo basin, are encouraging.

The flow regularly exceeded rates of one million cubic feet per day, and were consistently between 0.4 and 0.6 million cubic feet per day.

“Preliminary results of the first horizontal exploration well in the Beetaloo are very encouraging. The planned testing programme utilising a production tubing string aims to evaluate the potential gas flow rate of the well, said Falcon chief executive Philip O’Quigley.

“We look forward to updating the market when further results become available.”

In a statement this morning Falcon confirmed that an eleven stage hydraulic stimulation programme was successfully completed along a 1,000 metre horizontal well section in the Middle Velkerri B shale zone.

It added that the flow-back of fracture stimulation fluid continues to return to surface.

A work-over rig is now being mobilised so that production tubing can be installed to enable an extended production test.


almost 8 years ago
Falcon names gas industry expert as chairman

Falcon names gas industry expert as chairman


08:36 22 Dec 2015

JoAchim Conrad, who has extensive international experience in gas operations has become chairman at Falcon Oil & Gas replacing John Craven.

Falcon names gas industry expert as chairman

As well as expanding EGL's gas and power operations in eastern Europe, Conrad was key in developing and starting to implement plans to launch the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project that he originally masterminded...

JoAchim Conrad, who has extensive international experience in gas operations, has become chairman at Falcon Oil & Gas (LON:FOG, CVE:FO), replacing John Craven.

Conrad has been a non-executive director at the group since 2008.

Between 2003 and 2009, he worked with Swiss-based EGL AG as head of gas. EGL was later integrated into Axpo AG.

He was also in charge of power and gas operations in eastern Europe, as well as a member of EGL's executive management.

As well as expanding EGL's gas and power operations in eastern Europe, Conrad was key in developing and starting to implement plans to launch the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project that he originally masterminded.

TAP later attracted Statoil of Norway and eventually other industry giants such as BP (LON:BP.), Total, E.ON, SOCAR and Fluxys among its shareholders.

He was hired as executive managing director and a board member of Bosphorus Gaz Corporation in 2012.

Craven said today: " I now believe that the company has a strong platform on which to build value across all its portfolio. As a director and shareholder, I look forward to continued positive developments in the Beetaloo basin, Australia together with Falcon's exploration interest in South Africa and I would like to express my best wishes to JoAchim going forward."


over 8 years ago
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