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Ortsbo is on fire...

September 21st release:

Since its debut on July 22, 2010, Ortsbo has received over 387,000unique users resulting in over 500,000 online sessions and more than 1Million page views generating in excess of 2.1 Million minutes of userengagement.

September 23rd release:

Since its debut in late July, Ortsbo has received over 420,000unique users resulting in over 550,000 online sessions and more than1.1 Million page views generating in excess of 2.3 Million minutes ofuser engagement.

September 28th release:

Since its debut in late July, Ortsbo has received over 625,000unique users resulting in over 685,000 online sessions and more than1.5 Million page views generating in excess of 2.5 Million minutes ofuser engagement.


This application is on fire... September 22nd was it's two month anniversary it went from all those numbers being 0 to 387,000 unique visitors, 500,000 sessions, 1 million page views and 2.1 million minutes of use (a day before the two month anniversary).

Now look how quickly those numbers increased in just the last week. This thing has a HUGE potential. I hope we can hold on to it. Theoretically we make money whenever it's open. It's worth way more then $30 million with this kind of usage.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Check out Todays Release !!!

That's what I thought... Do you know what their current debt is? I've seen different numbers in different places.

On the topic of the deal - is it worth it? $30 million is a great short term gain but if someone is coming in with an offer that good (I was surprised how high it was since you could potentially buy out the entire company for that much money...) is this application worth more to us in the long run? They have a large base of users already and probably growing - hence potentially huge long term profit.

That said the company buying it probably is able to incorporate it into something they have already and will really be able to commercialize it. Is there a way for us to licence it instead of seling it do you think?

Thoughts on timelines with a deal like this?

about 14 years ago
Re: Check out Todays Release !!!

What am I missing? I thought this was great news but there has been a lot of selling pressure.

Is the market concerned that the deal wont go through? If it does what would that value INT at?

about 14 years ago
Re: Should Debt be a Concern ?

If algar gets up and running on schedual we should be exceeding 13,600 barrels per day in the July 2012 - July 2014 period. Excess capital from that period would could be put towards paying off the final note which would decrease the production requierments in that final period if I'm understanding this properly. We also should be exceeding 9,500 barrels per day this time next year, again, assuming algar gets up and running on schedual. Like always it comes down to Algar. I'm a newer investor so I don't know the amount of time requiered for ramp-up etc. However, management claims they hope for 1,685 barrels per day from algar next year (annualized).

Because management seems to have a habbit of over estimating even if we assume algar produces half of what they say next year which would be 843 barrels per day (annualized) then if production at pod 1 is 9000 barrles per day (and I know that's a big if) they would be able to slightly exceed what is needed to pay off the first note. And as long as there aren't any major issues algars ramp-up would continue into 2011 which could see us producing upwards of 16,000 barrels per day which again would give us significant extra revenue to put towards the final note, again decreasing the production requierments in that final year and a half period.

IF Algar gets up and running on time and IF it is able to meet production expectations and IF oil prices don't fall on us again - then I think we are positioned quite well actually. If oil prices do slowly rise over the next six years we will also see increasing netback which make us even better off.

The company needs to demonstrate that POD 1 can produce consistently and they need to demonstrate that they have learned from their mistakes in POD 1 as tey get Algar up and running. If they can do that then we will see an increased SP and they will be well positioned to meet debt requierments.

almost 15 years ago
Hello Everyone

Hi all,

I've been watching this board for a few months with quite a bit of intrest. I'd just like to take a second to thank all of the posters for their contributions. Like many of you I am very excited and optimistic about Connacher, however, I think that it's important to be skeptical and not put blind faith in the company so I appreciate both the positive and negative ideas presented.

Anyways, I finally registered because I had a question about something I noticed in the slideshow. On page 25, where they have a production graph it looks like they exceeded 10,000 bbl/d for a day or so in April. This was done for a "capacity test". Why is it that they can't keep this capacity if they were able to reach it for a day (or however long)? This was well before my time here on the board so it may have been discussed and I apologize if I am bringing up an old topic.

Thanks in advanced to anyone who can clarify this for me. I'll be honest and say that I have no experiance or special knowledge of the oil feild besides what I have read over the last few months, so please excuse my general ignorance.


almost 15 years ago
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