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Poets value

I'm coming to terms that this latest round of financing shows the real value of POET. What POET was trading at was the speculative value. The latest round of financing could have been held up by the likes of retail shareholders but would be of no further value to the company. I have come to think a platinum shareholder is one who adds value to POET not just props up the share price. It stings but a company with no product (yet), small revenue, swimming in a pond with plenty of hungry sharks all lower the real value of our company. The fact that we have valuable IP a disruptive product and a great management team is likely what brought the new investors to POET who will hopefully in turn bring real value to POET but as they are not emotionally invested they see the risk for what it is and value the company accordingly. It hurts like a kick in the nuts but I have only myself to blame at this point for valuing POET on speculation. Sure the price dropped like a ton of bricks leading up to the latest PO but if I wasn't so emotionally invested there were plenty of signs leading to said drop I just chose not to read them. A few rational people, whom the board scared off, saw the writing on the wall and tried to warn us, and I'm not referring to the constant noise and basher types. That said I still have high hopes for POET and am still long! Go POET.

almost 8 years ago

Is it required to make known who was able to participate in the PO?

That would be interesting to see...

almost 8 years ago
For now...

We see through a glass darkly...

I am going back and forth between this being potential for further great news and then feeling as though this is the beginning of something terrible.

In the meantime my thoughts and prayers are with all posters here as well as POETS management.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Halt? Open Con.....

What can I say, I'm a dreamer.

Why do you think I'm invested in POeT in the first place?

Thx Kooter.


almost 8 years ago

Anyone else hoping for a halt before the price is announced? Then out of fairness (I'm dreaming of a world with fairness) they price the shares at what dense light got their shares at, around a buck I believe. Then we Watch everyone squirm to get back in. Hey us longs should get some reward for holding on, no?

almost 8 years ago
Re: Thought for today

I literally laughed out loud at your comment and then again as you responded to Genew!

That comment made my night mackwheaton and it's comforting to know that I am not alone in regards to how my wife views my/our investment in POET.


almost 8 years ago
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