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I never noticed until today that I no longer hold SLI stocks they are SELSF stocks. This whole IGD, SLI and Mountainstar makes me sick to my stomack. I have a brother in law that ignores every court order and rule made and just goes right on trucking. Something like a little lady we all know. Is she untouchable or will KARMA catch up to her? I know a bad actor that has been taking money for years. He is now in a wheel chair can't lift his arms to count his money. Family is gone all around him. I am a strong beleiver in Karma!!!

about 8 years ago
Tried to buy SELSF

I tried to buy $20.00 worth of SELSF but because I was in Alberta, BC ect we still had a cease trade for me. Just wanted to see. I bought shares before on the OTC and was easy. But not SELSF.

about 8 years ago
Re: Activity today for SLI on the OTC

TD Waterhouse advised me that I could buy but the trades were very slim all the way back to April 28 where 2 shares were sold. He could not believe that we could use this on TFSA but we can. I might buy a couple of hundred worth and use it for wallpaper like all the other SLI shares.

about 8 years ago
Martha Stewart????????

You can't tell me the CEO did't know that the shares would be halted and she was unloading shares not wanting the shareholders to know what was up. I really look every day at the insider posts to see if I should unload them myself. That is really a big red flag when the CEO is unloading her own shares as far back as April and earlier. Martha Stewart was taken down for the same thing but thats the USA. What is the story behind Peter? He buys everything that is put up for sale. He is not a dumb man. He made money on SLI and I'm sure he had plans to make money on IGD. He is either sick about this or happy as can be. I just have no clue.

I have quite a few shares in Mountain Star so I hope something will come of the latest action. I have a pattern of buying dead dogs.

over 8 years ago
Re: Intigold Halted??

I'm not sure they had enough directors in the first place. I thought they needed three.

over 8 years ago
Re: Intigold Halted??

I dug around and found the fact that there was not enough directors as were needed.

over 8 years ago
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