St. Elias Mines

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You can't tell me the CEO did't know that the shares would be halted and she was unloading shares not wanting the shareholders to know what was up. I really look every day at the insider posts to see if I should unload them myself. That is really a big red flag when the CEO is unloading her own shares as far back as April and earlier. Martha Stewart was taken down for the same thing but thats the USA. What is the story behind Peter? He buys everything that is put up for sale. He is not a dumb man. He made money on SLI and I'm sure he had plans to make money on IGD. He is either sick about this or happy as can be. I just have no clue.

I have quite a few shares in Mountain Star so I hope something will come of the latest action. I have a pattern of buying dead dogs.

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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