Nighthawk1's Profile

Nighthawk1's Posts

Re: Drill Intervals

I agree there are many questions left unanswered regarding the drill results. (Possibly very narrow veins could explain the short and few intercepts given the angle of the drills). The smoke and mirror show that Lori has been putting on is likely to end by the AGM, IMO. I hope you are right that it will end well for shareholders.

But given Lori's recent trades and management hiding from legitimate questions; I just happen to be in the Longball's camp thinking it will get worse before it can get better.

about 12 years ago
Re: Drill Intervals

Could it not be that there were no traces of gold in the rest of the core sample intervals you speak of? Sounds like the most probable answer.

Management said that was the complete results. I don't think Lori would be dumping shares like she is if she was hiding an ace up her sleeve.

about 12 years ago
Lori Needs To Go!

It is apparent even some of the true SLI faithfuls are no longer supporting Lori. I never was a fan of her, but thought even she couldn't stand in the way of stellar drill results. Now things have changed since the first two sets of results have been duds. I am tired of her shenanigans and incompentancy. She has let Murray roast away in the "front lines" far too long. She needs to go! It will be a difficult process to achieve but still possible at the same.

It will take a talented CEO to turn this company around from here and I think SLI could actually find one. There is still hope for Tesoro and great potential at Vilcoro and possibly CB. And frankly I do not like the idea she is involved with IGD. It is hard to say who's interest she is really looking out for. She doesn't respect any of the shareholders nor the other management involved in the company. I say lets start making the necessary steps to oust her.

All the losses might be worth it to see her get hit in the ass by the door on the way out if anything else.

Any that are in favour of her staying please feel free to state their case.


over 12 years ago
Re: Bring on the 10 bagger from here!

Everyone has there own theory on why the intial dive started prior to the first set of drill results. To me it looks like info could have been leaked creating the downward spiral and mad panick.

The short sellers definitely have had their fun with this one, but they have only been able to affect the stock short term with the stock price going back to what the market seems fair. Apparently the market has spoken and they value SLI at .25. There is nothing keeping the price down at these levels other than the poor drill results. The short numbers have been quite negligable after the stock drop below $1.

As for the CB and Vilcoro, I do think there is value in those properties. The Vilcoro has potential for a great mine, that is why I haven't sold my shares at these levels. However, neither have proven ounces so it is hard to give either one much valuation at present. It doesn't help that it took management over 3 years to get drill results from the Tesoro and that was when they were able to raise money very easily due the the Quantec data. If Tesoro happens to turn into a a complete dud (unlikely) I wonder what the price of the next offering will be? I have a feeling it will be below $.25.


over 12 years ago
Re: Bring on the 10 bagger from here!

Sculpin I couldn't help but comment on one of your statements.

"Also, how did the shorters get the info that we were doing all shallow drilling then, no one from here could get the answers to how deep, where, and how many drilled? The shorters must have connections to someone right on the property, because even Lori didn,t seem to know this info."

The conspiracies that the shorters had inside info (that Lori herself didn't even know) and controlled the downfall of this stock seems to be reaching, IMO. They saw a junior gold stock that had a market cap that got way ahead of itself and they bet the drill results could not support it, plain and simple. It turned out they were right.

It gets tiresome reading that the ultamite demise of the stock price was due to the shorters. It was from two sets of very poor drill results. And to think now that management have been saving the best for last with the trenching and oviod drill results seems to be a bit of a long shot.

There is hope that the trenching results and ovoid drill core could turn things around, but it is quite like gambling (as others have eluded to) with the odds quite in favour of the casino.


over 12 years ago
Bring on the 10 bagger from here!

I am sure many remember this article. At the time I really wanted to believe it couldn't be true. However many points made were right on the money.

I would really like to know what the plan is going forward with drilling deep into the ovoid. I fear this is the only hope of sending this stock back above a dollar.

As for the investors committee, it would just create more he said, she said. SLI is a publicly traded company and should put out news releases to inform shareholders on what exactly is going on. Lori stated herself that we should rely only on news releases for facts, not chat lines on the internet. I don't see this happening in the short term as they will likely be analyzing all the data before committing to the next step.

God Bless Lori in turning this reverse 10 bagger into a 10 bagger from here so most can recover their losses.


over 12 years ago
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