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Re: Making Money - Is that why we're here?

I remember your recommendation Gildage...good call!!!

Also, though I didn't watch FR.WT closely enough to buy into it, I could have, and should have, all based upon your sharing that info in this forum.

Thanks for putting that out there for all to make their own decision.

Once again, GOOD CALL! After all, if we're not in it to make a buck, then we must be addicted to pain.


about 13 years ago
Re: Hey Babaoriley- tdw

Isn't America a continent? If I were a United Stateser, or United Statesian, or whatever, I'd prefer to call myself an American out of convenience. So; United Statesians, Canadians, Mexicans, or Uruguayans, we're all Americans, and Lawnbowler is just being testy to nit pick on that.

Lots of testiness on the forum, and although I'm feeling it more than usual myself, I'll not raise the level of my sarcasm, to satisfy the damn hedgies. When we are angry at our allies, we are divided against our common enemy.

AND, last time I recall seeing such infighting on this board, was shortly before take-off to $1.4+

Hang in there everyone, our best season is just beginning. I have high hopes for more participation from joe + jane sixpack, as gold seems to be getting much more media attention at these levels.

AND #2, Blythe hasn't yet seen fit, or been able to trash gold prior to tomorrow's ghastly job far. (Quick peek at the price...nope, not yet).

Keep smiling, even if through gritted teeth.


about 13 years ago
Re: Are we there yet?

Almost there! The new "insidious enemy" to be villified may be the evil hoarders, whose unnatural activities have brought our wonderful way of life to the brink of destruction.

Even as I type this, I'm hearing a story about copper thieves, on the radio. Damn those hoarders, keeping barrells of oil, and ingots of gold, silver and copper hidden in their dark basements. All those essential materials kept away from the "free" markets, and driving up the prices.

Didn't swami-obami already declare war on the evil speculators? Only a small step away from substituting the word hoarder for speculator.

So be forewarned all you evil hoarders, and don't be surprised when good and honest folk turn you over to the STAZI when you try to barter your silver eagle for a new car.

Well, now it's time to mow the lawn....if I can scrape up enough fiat to fill up the tank on the lawnmower. Sigh.

I found your post very, very interesting Cockerel, and hope against hope that enough will become aware of it's message to prevent what I think is coming.


about 13 years ago
Re: Ditch Mining Stocks--"Say it ain't so, Sam!"

Must be a High School project. Does the article say what grade he is in?

about 13 years ago
Re: The smacketh down cometh

Actually, Coach was only a half-hour off, as the "attempted" smackdown was implemented at approx. 03:30 AM. About $5.00 was all they could get it down.

Reminds me of August 2009, when the "scheduled" smackdowns started becoming insignificant.

I'd like to see more relative silver strength on the up-move this AM though. I don't have great confidence in any gold moves (up or down), without over/under performance of silver, in % terms.

Still, I am quite pleased so far!!!


about 13 years ago
Re: O.T. From the Heart!

Hi Cockerel1,

That "statistic" sounds like it is accelerating. Do you have a chart which shows it?

Pretty scary for all taxpayers, so better not spread that knowledge around!!..LOL


about 13 years ago
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