Neophyte Senior's Profile

Neophyte Senior's Posts

Re: Soon back at $0.50/share

The recent shakehout of weak hands may represent an opportunity to add shares.  As was pointed out on the other board nothing has changed with regard to the fundamental story of Probe during the recent sell off.  In fact one could argue that recent politcal events in the United States increase the likelihood of inflation in future years leading to an increased gold price.  In my view Dave and the team deserve credit for putting together a package of properties with huge potential, at a reasonable cost all while leaving themselves in a very strong cash position.  Those who bought in during the run up may continue to take losses during the final days of 2016 and for those sitting on cash this may represent a nice opportunity.  Fourtunately my average cost basis on my current holdings is about .30 cents US. 

Patience may be required.  This is a large land package and it will take time to identify all of the best targets.  My understanding is that one or two drills has been going with a plan to have four (may already be four) in the very near future.  If you strip away the emotion of watching your positon drop a bit in value and look at the long term fundamentals there is little question this remains one of the most appealing juniors. 

My guy at Schwab may give me a hard time, but I will push him to add a few more shares in December as we reach what I think will be the lows.  I think 2017 is likely to be a very exciting time for Probe.  Be careful not to try too  time it to perfectly, this stock has moved fast in the past, better to get in a few days early than miss the ride altogether.

Good luck!  NS

almost 8 years ago
Re: Silent board

Big drop on very little volume. My guess is big player selling a few to bring the price down. No need to panic. You might kick yourself in a few weeks if you sell now. Big buyer will jump back in and buy his shares and maybe yours for less then he sold a tiny peice of his holdings this morning. Predicting a positive bounce later in the trading day. Time will tell.

about 8 years ago
Re: Silent board

Think it is just a simple case of supply and demand. Multiple deep pocketed investors want to establish positions before this runs much higher. Limited sellers puts pressure on the share price. Dave and the rest of the team have proven records and are clearly excited about multiple targets. If you believe as I do that these are some of the best guys in the business then you can start to put together a case that they are going to build a $500+ million dollar company. Don't know if that will happen, but I don't see many better positioned. Hope to see some positive news next week.
Have a great weekend! NS

about 8 years ago
Re: Probe making new highs


Looks like you were spot on with your "start of new accumulation phase" post a couple days ago. The private placement was 4X oversubcribed indicating strong demand from deep pocketed investors. Additionally, Dave P's commentary has been extremely optimismic. He obviously believes this land package has huge upside. Several of us did very well on Probe Mines, starting to think Probe Metals may work out even better. I won't be selling anytime soon. Good Luck!

about 8 years ago
News Soon

I hear the recent financing was way over subscribed. Shows strong interest from deep pockets! Should see a release announcing the closing within a few day at most. Good chance it will include or be followed shortly thereafter with drill results from the AGE property. I look for a strong move to the upside once the results are released. Could be tomorrow, but almost certainly by early next week. If you believe like I do that this has potential for a repeat of the Probe Mines story you may want to nibble a few shares while you can. Good Luck!

about 8 years ago
Re: Prediction re PR soon

My guess is the next news release comes within days of the most recent financing closing. Hopefully by the 15th.

about 8 years ago
Neophyte Senior
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