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Finally some honesty starts to enter the scene. Dispite all the obvious related concerns at least the facts and hopefully truth will be put on the table. As Wolf mentioned "discovery" very important lets see what we really are dealing with and who we are really in bed with. So many times people have said " I know what I own " from a patent position I believe without a doubt we now know, however from a commercial point of ownership view, I think we will finally find out. This master agreement, PDS, joint venture, smacks of abuses if not down right illegal or mismanagement activity. My thanks to the indivduals who are responsible for taking these actions even if they are way over due.

One last point is that the last loud discussion that took place on this forum may well have help push this to the point of action. We need to keep all these people honest if this stock is going to go anywhere. It's call creditability without it you have nothing!


about 14 years ago
Re: reply to Milestone question for me.


Your question was, "Are you aware of the difference between "direct" and "indirect" ownership, Napapro?".

So please educate me what is the difference? and what is your point?? (thats two questions)



about 14 years ago
Re: @oscar: never ending seesaw of needless theme is an unforced error by retailers


So if I'm readying this right, Felcyn received just over 94 millions options at todays price of .18 cents that's worth $1,693,527.oo ( I realize this is not the total picture like what price she bought and sold at, not to mention how many shares she still holds.) For those who want to do the exact math just follow the link. My general point is why this level of compensation. I'm sure there are others with even larger nest eggs.


about 14 years ago
Why? I'll tell you why!


Lets assume everyone here wants the share price to go up. Fact is for many years it has not and the smoking gun points to the BOD which is still in tack. I know of no other company where this situation would be allowed to exist for so long. (unless they were driven out of business all together).

The reason some of the BOD needs to go (perhaps all) is because of their continued history of non performance if for not other reason then just the share price issue.(mind you I think there is a whole list of other reason already revealed.) I find it hard to believe that some are trying to find a defence for the BOD's history.

To summarize the last attempt to remove any members of the BOD missed because there were not enough votes for the action. It's just speculation but my guts tell me that it is just a few major players who have the control here. So to resolve we need to get enough of those votes to turn the corner. In a way that is why I have be a proponent of share buy back, hoping this would get some of those share out of the hands of "the controllers" and into future new investors. We also have to control options and warrants otherwise they will just be able to continue the rigged game.

My 2 cents worth


about 14 years ago
Re: (optymystic) I would have fired the whole board years ago-response to Wolf


I would also add that TPL gets paid after expenses. Another way to look at this is we could be paying for half of his empire building. As a private company there is far less transperancy/accountability. Question why do they have a UK office? For this kind of business besides Silicon Valley if there were justification for another location it would be Taiwan or China. Asia is where the action is right now.

I have also wondered if a potential license for a MMP who also has interest in one of the other portfolio suites that TPL sells is getting a discount by choicing more then one. If this potential can even exist it won't be in the best interest for PTSC shareholders.


about 14 years ago
Re: (optymystic) I would have fired the whole board years ago ref:Wolf


In such few words you have cut straight to the heart of it. Excellent, summarizes my thoughts exactly. We no longer have to wait for something to happen we can take the lead and MAKE it happen. Time to get in the drivers seat ,rather the this passive ,do nothing, and wait to see mode.

about 14 years ago
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