Re: License count and revenue numbers in recent post...?

Thanks for the historical perspective. It is good to know that there are those who have been able to get a few words from the "sphynx" in the past 


It seems it would be worth Mr Falk's time and trouble to have it stated somewhere openly on the investors information page that he (or the company) cannot and will not answer any questions from individual share holders relative to matters realted to the company and its businesses. The only information forthcoming from the company will be found in corporate reports and press releases.


That should put an end to emails being sent to investors relations  or him requesting information about the company, its health and its future, which it sounds like he will not respond to anyway  


On the bright side, the website is still generally pretty upbeat but I wonder how many visitors it has. 


Unfortunately a Google search for "IOT Security"or "IOT sensor technology management" produce nothing mentioning eDigiital for an unknown number of pages (I did not go deeper than 10 pages. Yet, there are prime positioned ads by bigger names that show up first. Wonder how much that placement cost them... 


Seems that the company is pretty much invisible except in some courts. Hard to get investors enthusiastic if they don't have a clue that the company exits, let alone what it does. With no one to serve as our "Kelly Ann Conway" the message will likely remain a "light under a bushell basket". There is a story beyond the legal actions taking place that is being ignored in my humble opinion.


Market chare is normally preceeded by "mind share"  and if there are no active communications with the electronics industry press it would seem that there is no path to getting that all important mind share.


All that said, if the new BoD guys can get the company and technology into the hands of more active and engaged industry players there may be a possible return on the years of stagnent investment here. I do still believe in the promise.  


Good luck to everyone         

over 7 years ago
Re: License count and revenue numbers in recent post...?

Thank you. Much appreciated

over 7 years ago
License count and revenue numbers in recent post...?

I recall reading a fairly recent post (or perhaps a link within one) providing the number of licensing deals and a total dollar figure.

It struck me that the average license was going for about $50,000.00 Is that possible? or did I misread something? 

If there are royalties, that number might be OK but if not, then there seems to be diminishing hope that this thing will produce distributable revenue but will instead just keep Falk in his job and with beer money.

Anyone recall that post?


Thanks in advance


over 7 years ago
Re: False Info


over 7 years ago
Re: False Info



For better or worse I have rarely looked at other chat boards because Agoracom has always seemed to be straight and informative from the get go and (unfortunately) having agood number of long suffering investors to provide perspectiove (I am only 8 years in so can't really count myself in that number)

It appears now that I am just holding now for the benefit of my progeny someday. Hopefully the company will one day have something to say that makes institutional investors excited. Actually setting about manufacturing and selling physical products would help. Perhaps that is what they will be doing with the money unless the plan is just to set the stage for aquisition. Every year I have been here has seemed to be "the year", maybe this year will be that one... or maybe next...     


Sincere best wishes

over 7 years ago
Re: False Info

Which forum?

over 7 years ago
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