LongRVXer's Profile

LongRVXer's Posts

Re: Promotive Again? Perhaps A Deal Coming?

Speculation… lol - I think San Fran is gonna be in trouble!  :)

The comment; "our share price at RVX needed to be higher in order to justify that deal/arrangement"

I agree that it would make an argument for a strong business case to suitor investors and I can only hope… however I have been jaded and have difficulty seeing the SP rise and hold its position.  I posted my reasoning a few months back and have copied it below.  As everyone is aware and as evident of what we saw yesterday, it all boils down to "NEWS" to draw in the masses and it’s the reason for our increased volume.

In my opinion, to reiterate what I believe is going to transpire;

Since RVX has been held down to such low levels for so long, we will start to see a higher volume of "ASKs" (profit taking) which will not support the “BIDs” to cover, so SP will slowly drop again.  I have seen it for YEARS!  Until we continue to get NEWS and more notably - Analyst coverage this vicious cycle will continue. 

I truly think (of course this is all my opinion) we will not get the opportunity to see a huge lift to SP.  NEWS will happen overnight.

You all know my position and yes I am 10 years older now… but smarter.. I think lol

GLTA - Do you own Due Dilgence    





I have come to the realization that the stock price for RVX means absolutely nothing.   For the most part, it is basically the same players buying and selling.   Since September, sure, there has been new investors introduced and who have bought (also some of us greedy Longs have bought more).   What drives SP is attention.  What brings attention is News (from many sources) and until that time happens, when we see +500,000 shares moving a day - its the same old folks whispering ... "hey buy into this company".    In my opinion, the SP will continue this journey of fluctuation.  Honestly, who cares if today we close at $1.50 or $2.00?  Yes, it shows wonderful in your portfolio but until you hit sell (which the majority won't do at this bargain price), it means NOTHING.   So what I am basically saying and as the chart today demonstrates - there is no interest because there is no News.  What other company on the verge of a big scientifical break through has a bid Volume of 12K from $1.27 to $1.72?

This is this is Risky business.   At this moment in time, in my opinion, it will be a major announcement that will happen with no warning (positive or negative), that will take us to the pie in the sky or bust... no inbetween. 

As always, this is my own personal opinion and not investment advice - please do your own due diligence.

over 7 years ago
Re: ... my letter forwarded to IR...

Actually I have put Lendenfrog on ignore based on the fact that I took his advice and traded in my Gun for Canollis over the holidays....   Yes thanks to him, I have put on 30lbs and am now waiting for RVX208 to hit the shelves!

I am simply trying to change this somber mood going into 2017   :)

Here's hoping... GLTA




over 7 years ago
Re: Zenith Presentation at 12:45 today... link>

Hi Kelsee,

As indicated by the company "Mr. McCaffrey's presentation will be available on the Company website on the Presentations & Publications page immediately prior to the scheduled presentation time."

I have searched and searched and found;  nothing, rien, niente, nada, nic, niets, intet, nekas!

It makes me scratch my head!



over 7 years ago
The Importance of Communication in Business


After so many years of watching things unfold, a part of me thought that we were knock, knock, knocking on heaven’s door.   Well, we opened the door only to discover more steps… nevertheless that’s okay, I realize that steps need to be taken to reach the top.


What’s not okay and bothers me most is my feeling of how I am being treated as a Shareholders.   I understand the limitations placed on corporations to follow strict guidelines regarding communication however IMO, as of late, RVX has failed miserably to find the right balancing act.  RVX needs to be reminded that their mandate is to act on the best interest of their investors and perhaps they are but then why do so many of us have so many questions????   There are countless quotes; “Put up or Shut-up”, “Actions speak louder than words”, “Walk the talk” – all have the same meaning and I can’t stress enough that management needs to pay close attention. 


I have worked in the Private sector all my life and have been rewarded based on my accomplishments (no wonder I am poor) but as some have mentioned (as late) – several RVX staff are being compensated big dollars and in my opinion, big dollars should equal big accomplishments, no matter in what capacity of the organization one serves.…..    Funny but I am being reminded of the newly implemented “Phoenix” Federal Government of Canada’s Pay System which has backlogged and screwed up over 80000+ employees weekly earnings for many months.  Just last week, we learned that Senior Government employees responsible for the new pay system have paid themselves a performance bonus, imagine that!  I feel for the average employees and I guess I am just rambling but I can’t help but draw a comparison.


On the bright side, I remain hopeful. RVX is moving forward.  Science is progressing and being the optimist (I know, I don’t sound like one today), RVX has in-fact given me a Christmas present!  Yet again, I will be transferring the maximum amount of RVX shares into my TFSA (Tax Free Savings Account for Canadians) come January 2, 2017.   


Thank you everyone for all your insightful posts and I would gladly endorse some of you to work in PR/Communications department of a company or two that come to mind.  J


I wish you a safe, wonderful holiday season, combined with lots of health and happiness in 2017.


Cheers and GLTA






over 7 years ago
Re: Can someone explain....

Hi Led..

The avatar guy from the sopranos . ..I got a laugh from that...

Anyway ...my post is there...it was titled ..the waiting game continues . 


Have a great weekend all.



almost 8 years ago
The Waiting Game Continues

I have come to the realization that the stock price for RVX means absolutely nothing.   For the most part, it is basically the same players buying and selling.   Since September, sure, there has been new investors introduced and who have bought (also some of us greedy Longs have bought more).   What drives SP is attention.  What brings attention is News (from many sources) and until that time happens, when we see +500,000 shares moving a day - its the same old folks whispering ... "hey buy into this company".    In my opinion, the SP will continue this journey of fluctuation.  Honestly, who cares if today we close at $1.50 or $2.00?  Yes, it shows wonderful in your portfolio but until you hit sell (which the majority won't do at this bargain price), it means NOTHING.   So what I am basically saying and as the chart today demonstrates - there is no interest because there is no News.  What other company on the verge of a big scientifical break through has a bid Volume of 12K from $1.27 to $1.72?

This is this is Risky business.   At this moment in time, in my opinion, it will be a major announcement that will happen with no warning (positive or negative), that will take us to the pie in the sky or bust... no inbetween. 

As always, this is my own personal opinion and not investment advice - please do your own due diligence.



almost 8 years ago
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