Larbac's Profile

Director of Technology Services for a mid-sized municipality.

Larbac's Posts

Re: Any dates on the BK - BUSHleague

BUSHleague - Thank you! Yes I do mean liquidation. Your response is informtive and much appreciated.

In My Opinion. I get the general impression that Mr. L has maybe lost a bit of his grip on reality. His normal Machevelian plans seem not to be in play. By being so obvious with his plot to not pay anything to anyone for some time, if ever, and make PDS pay his bills and Alliacense still get paid is clumsy and overt. For some reason he seems blunt and agressive. From the reorg plan he proposed it appears he believes he's in the drivers seat or he is trying to convince the Credit Cmtee he is. The Credit Cmtee is well aware of his tactics. Either Mr. L. is losing it or he is purposely trashing TPL. (check the banks in Belize)

He is not dealing with just the PTSC whimpy kids. This time Moore, Brown and a bevy of legal firms are a joint force with a common dislike and complete mistrust of anything that Mr. L may propose. In as much as I believe he is very shrewed this does not fit. (check the banks on the Caymans) Just my ideas. - LB

almost 11 years ago
Any dates on the BK plan? and some question.

It is my understanding that Mr. L put forward his plan for reorganization of TPL and the Creditor Committee did not like (with due cause) Mr. L telling everyone what and how he would get out of the penalty box and how they would end up in it themselves should the creditors not play his game. The Committee has asked the court to reject the plan.

I know that this is a corporate bankruptcy and not a personal one.

My questions are:

1) When will the court issue a decision on rejection of the TPL reorg plan or how will we know of the outcome.

2) Do the Creditor Cmtee have to accept the plan generated by TPL.

3) Is it normal to ask for the mgmt of a Chapter 11 company to be 3r'd - Rejected Refused and REPLACED.

4) Would the Creditor Cmtee be able request dissolution of TPL assets if there is no resloution or will the court impose it's own reorg plan.

5 Should dissolution be the option what happens to the PDS arrangement?

To all of you that continue to provide us with information - THANK YOU!

almost 11 years ago
May have missed it - Have we appealed the ITC decision?

I may have missed the post that said we have - If we have not appealed I guess I have not missed it -lb

almost 11 years ago
Re: Tomorrow # II - Now I'm nervous!! Knots in the tummy :-)

I can't believe our fate depends on a few people who are struggling with semantics! The big picture suddenly became very small ... and very blurred.

God help us.

almost 11 years ago
Re: I bought shares today - moi aussi

Your not the only ones to increase your holdings. I have added a few more. Reduced my ACB and moved some to my Tax Fee Savings Account. Probably will add more if pps remains at current levels. - xit

over 11 years ago
Re: Just spent $50 to get some eyeballs to the PTSC fan page....Larry

Thank you, Larry. You are amazing!


over 11 years ago
Midhurst, Ontario
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