KrystlKleer's Profile

KrystlKleer's Posts

Re: multiple alias alert

And a hearty hi right back to you,

I for one, was going through alcoholic and substance withdrawal when I made some outlandish posts as KrystlKleer and even though I was not banned realized I was going way over the top. I’ve since used that identity, inoffensively I might point out, a few times when I’ve forgotten my new password (I use four different computers in different locations) simply to recommend a few posts, nothing more. If you can erase KrystlKleer please do. Ditto the innocuous sandglass, which belongs to someone who never posts anyway.

I’ve been clean and sober for over a year now, and rather than make a syrupy apology to people I don’t even know I decided to simply start afresh and move on because I believe I’m a different, much more rational person now and intend to stay that way. My intent is simply to add a tad of balance to a pretty good forum that at times, I think, gets a tad over overly exuberant (not to mention a bit paranoid) and could use some.

BTW, I’am and was well aware that the use of multiple identities is easily detectable so please don’t gloat, it’s unbecoming.

almost 9 years ago
Re: All the best.

The present hub leaders adhere to Agoracom decorum and have shunned the recent bickering (aside from those, like Rainer, who tried to mitigate it, and who owes no one an apology). These moderators have proven to be just that, moderators; decent, bright, constructive people, free of the needy, petulant sense of empowerment and entitlement displayed by a few elitists here and dutifully endorsed by their obsequious sycophants.

about 10 years ago
Re: enough re: Doesn't anyone know how to PM?

An unassailably fair post, after all, rules are rules; however, subjective deletion equals censorship and the “empowered” who suppress free expression that does not violate the rules, but rather their partisan sensibilities, should also suffer the "read-only" feature.

about 10 years ago
Re: Pro Forma 2

Yes, there's a lack of brain-sustaining oxygen in both.

about 10 years ago
Re: Pro Forma 2

Can you discern the subtle difference now, Andrea? You don't say, "we are going to the moon!", the board's intelligentsia prefers," this product WILL go stratospheric".

about 10 years ago
Re: An Explanation

Or perhaps, sarcasm is the poor man's wit.

about 10 years ago
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