JamesJr's Profile

JamesJr's Posts

Re: on why price didnt go higher

I don't really agree with that, Asks are pretty weak a few big buyers (say after this weekends mining conference in Vancouver) and we could be in the 50's.. However few big sellers and we will be in the 30's as well i guess. People are asking quite a bit to expect Assays out every week a bit at a time. If nothing is out next week i wouldn't freak out. Probably the best thing for the Share Price would be for them to wait till gold turns around (I think its near a bottom now) and release holes under better conditions. Like i said even very good results are doing very little for SP's lately. Hopefully next week we will see a reverse drip upwards with management attracting new buyers from the weekend. Those results sure didn't make me want to sell out of impatience knowing its reasonable to expect the holes to get gradually better.

over 13 years ago
Re: on why price didnt go higher

If a few of us started buying at the last 10 minutes of trading we could possibly push this over the 200 dma (not much on the ask side).. That would look really good going into the weekend and hopefully we could get a bounce from Vancouver, now that Frank has some solid results to discuss and a promise of 24 holes or so due out in the next few months

over 13 years ago
Re: on why price didnt go higher

I just think there are not a lot of investors looking to get into gold specs right now with the price of gold dropping like a rock. Look at almost every gold explorer assays that have come out the last few weeks (pem.v comes to mind) even spectacular results have been met with slightly up to down.. the fact that our SP held up shows the market generally likes our results.. Hopefully gold turns it around in time for our most anticipated holes.

over 13 years ago
Re: I am surprised that the mgmt

You know, for all the hype this story has been getting here lately. Some people saying "its an incredible piece of journalism" others saying "its a joke." so far the article has done very little to affect the SP. 0.445 cents when it was first circlulating now were down to 0.42 cents right now.. Big whop. When i first read this article I was worried we would break 38 cents being the timing.. Low volume holidays etc. By the way that does speak volumes about the motives behind this article when you consider it comes on a week when many people are on holidays and volumes would be low.. Its also very one sided and this "Journalist" didn't even bother to get a first hand answer to the delays from the CEO, she just goes by what she read on the internet. This whole "story" isnt worth our time and infact is giving her what she seeked in the attention it is bringing. I have a feeling though this young lady is disappointed we are only down 2.5 cents on her work as well.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Asks are very thin....

Not to sound cocky. But it looks like i called the 32 cent bottom correctly. Usually when you see a stock trading at 30 RSI and Bashers are coming out calling for doomsday its a sign a rally is near.. Glad I picked up at in those low 30s. Just bought 30,000 more today at 44cents as it looks like we are accumulating at these levels for a push into the 50's. I was originally going to sell my shares in the 50's but i will likely hold most of them after seeing the recent Financing. January would be an excellent time to release assays.

Merry Christmas, see you all in New Year.

almost 14 years ago
Re: A Rally.... probably not, see L2 for details

Rally happend fast and furious in about 15 minutes.. volume has dropped so hopefully that picks up.. Sometimes it takes a few minutes for the Bids to catch up doesnt it? this really did come out of no where. Give it a few minutes.

almost 14 years ago
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