IdahoSilver's Profile

IdahoSilver's Posts

Re: Imperial Whazoo's post


I could not disagree with you more regarding Bil Earll. PQ treated him the same way he has treated the shareholders.....LIKE CRAP! Bill Earll was constantly working in the red because PQ would not pay him in a timely manner. Months would go by with work being done and no money from PQ, and the bill just kept getting bigger and bigger. Bill got a lot of things done for SFMI, when most contractors would have walked away long ago. The only way Bill was able to pay his employees was by selling shares that he slowly received from PQ in lieu of cash, further diluting all of our shareholder positions, and then getting the shares out of PQ was like pulling teeth......always the promise of more shares/cash coming.....howllow promises. Throw him under the bus if you want, but you are placing the balme in the wrong person. PQ is to blame for the shortcommings of SFMI. I know a lot more than I will share on a bulletin board, but I can assure you your anger/blame is misplaced. There are a lot of people around the Melba area that will vouch for Bill Earll. Why don't you ask Bobby Joe what kind of person Bill Earll is......he has boots on the ground and knows the history better than most of us.


about 12 years ago

Garick, I agree......."Roger Scammell is not a fool" and I also agree that "PQ needs RS more than RS needs PQ".......the problem is, PQ does not seem to have that figured out. Here PQ has the perfect asset (RS) to give credibility to this company..... and for whatever reason we hardly hear a peep out of RS, the guy with all the right credentials and mining experience....and that bothers me....plain and simple.

Hopefully, the SHM will shed light on a lot of shareholder concerns, and we turn the corner and start making some money. I am still a shareholder.....just not a cheerleader.



about 13 years ago
Re: IdahoSilver

BOUTS....yikes....a little defensive! This company "was going to make me rich" for a long time.....still may.......but all the BS has wore me out....and I have lost my enthusiasm....still on board, but have put my pom poms down.......until they show me real results.

From your tone, I would guess you have more money invested than might be prudent....I wish you luck and hope you retire in 2 years like you are forecasting.......means I will make a few bucks too.......with my "petty shares". And yes, I think RS could make a huge difference with this company if he is given freedom to do what he knows how. So far, I do not think PQ has given him that opportunity, and if things don't change, the novelty will wear off and RS will move on.......just my opinion, nothing more.

Good luck to you!


about 13 years ago

I stop by from time to time....been a shareholder since before the Melba fiasco, have been to the mill and the mountain....still have a few shares of both companies, but have sold majority due to a lack of faith of management.......too many broken promises and false statements for me. I will continue to follow closely and will buy heavy once I have something I can sink my teeth into......if I miss part of the be it......will error on the side of caution.

I have a gut feeling that all is not well with PQ and RS.......expected RS to be "the voice" of SFMI.....but all I hear and see is "still PQ". If PQ does not give RS the ability to run this company the way he knows how.......I believe he will be long gone before too long....just a gut feeling nothing more. Maybe my opinion will change after the shareholder meeting, but for now, I will follow my gut feeling that PQ will just not let go.

I hope the shareholder meeting is a huge success and that shareholders come away satisfied with the direction of the company, and look forward to the "meeting updates" from knowledgable shareholders.


about 13 years ago

Anton, I hope you are correct about the expected items completed prior to year's end. If they happen, this stock will make a substantial jump. The biggest itme to me now is to see SFMI bring "high profile mining people into the company"........we desperatley need people that know and understand the industry.......and the right people can bring us huge credibility. I have had serious frustrations with management and IR, but recognize they have accomplished a great deal and continue to make progress. There is no doubt in my mind that this resource is much bigger than most people believe. My gut tells me we are very close to turning the corner. IdahoSilver

almost 14 years ago
Re: Perhaps?

Another shareholder on another board raised a good question. Wouldn't any News released at the SHM be considered "insider info", if not released to the general public at the same time? HMMMMMMMM


about 14 years ago
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