Hopeful2's Profile

Hopeful2's Posts


Most successful peole in life have a common characteristic:


you can't fix or change the past but you can surly redirect your future, nuff said!

over 12 years ago
Re: Some facts - don't bother reading if you already know everything {;^D


must be a Blue light special at walmart on Tampons!

over 12 years ago
Re: Bonnie...Bonnie....B...


Your cut n paste skills are stellar but reading comprehension........not so much!

You should really send enlightened a check for the education he has given you!

Gentlemen I think we have just discovered a substance with a specific gravity weight higher than barite, Bonnies head, only problem is that the resource has been depleted!

over 12 years ago
Re: I have been holding for long

Any investment period, warrants Caution and I am very surprised to hear you say "It may NOT be a scam" that seems very contradictory to what I have read to this point, I must have missed where you said that early on!

If you acquired LLSR through private placement then the 17 page disclaimer that you sign should be enough of a Caveat Emptor, if you acquired on the open market then it is your own stupidity for doing so without proper due diligence.

I am glad that your research and due diligence has led you to the decision not to invest but quite frankly it is exactly that Your Opinion. So coming on here trying convince others to buy into your thinking tells me you have other motives. The only reason I read and respond to you is purly from an entertainment standpoint.

It's been asked before why do you care???

also as mentioned there allot of start-up companies that some investors may benefit from your due diligence and eagerness to share you opinion, but as you know, you are not adding anything constructive or positive to the discussions here.

If you want to continue to play the bashing game bring-it Bonnie! but I do know for fact we will get the last laugh!!!

Egress is directly behind you don't let the door hit ya! Cheers!

over 12 years ago
Re: I have been holding for long

Stockmaster it is unfortunate that PB22 served you up a giant glass of coolaid and you sucked it down but the fact of the matter is that without our fake CEO LLSR would still be at 0.00, in other words he saved your ass! I am sure you have no idea how instrumental our CEO was during the earlier years of LLSR and how his influence led the development of a product and company that obviously grabbed our attention or we wouldn't be on this board discussing it today!

Yes you have been holding on for a long time! You are not the lone ranger we all have been, that is the price of doing business and investing. Nothing good comes easy and Rome wasn't built in a day! In order for LLSR to move from R&D to production required money, money that was hard to come by then and still is hard to come by today!

so what did our worthless CEO do, he found a way to create diversity within your investment and generate capital to take LLSR to the next level and secured the exclusive marketing and development rights to OCT which was in jeopardy!

The acquisition of Raptor which an intelligent move from a business standpoint and i will not discuss the reason for aquiring Raptor as that has been discussed here before! The only negative to acquiring raptor is it came with an infection called PB22 that penicillin can't even touch!

PB22 - in response to how I made money with LLSR, it is really quite simple, say it with me: Dollar Cost Averaging!

over 12 years ago
PB22 & Stockmaster

PB22 & Stockmaster….your right your being scammed you should liquidate and sell your positions immediately!

Stockmaster, since you have become PB's most loyal follower, I am sure he has some great advice for you on where you can put it!!!

“Pit Boss”……… really! Hahahahaha ………..Stockmaster………laughin!!!!........that’s truly funny!!

I for one hope you will continue to bless us with your presence here and continue to provide the wonderful “intel” that you have so graciously “cut n paste” from public documents. As we move forward your opinions and your interpretation of the companies and their management will always be useful to someone.

I realize that the two of you are way to savy of investors to have invested in this worthless stock and worthless company and its unqualified management and are just providing a public service by sharing your opinions and interpretation. Your knowledge of the subject is very apparent.

Over the next six months or so you should have plenty of speculations to invent and discuss with your massive following and your cyber genius will surly surface again and again to express your concern for the great number of people that you care so deeply about, you obviously care or you wouldn’t invest the time and energy you have to point out that the investors in LLSR are all idiots and are going lose their ass with this investment.

Here some intel for you, some of us have already enjoyed a 100% return on our investment at $.04 so your right this has been an absolutely horrible investment and I am so not looking forward to how the math will play out in the future!.......laughin!

Some words of wisdom for you “a closed mouth gathers no foot”!!!!

enjoying the entertainment it was well worth the price of admission!!!

over 12 years ago
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