Gooch99's Profile

Gooch99's Posts

Re: Insider Buys

I asked IR regarding the blackout period and was told that it would extend serveral days past the Q3 earnings release.  I do not think we should expect any markers this week.  They should be available to buy beginning the week of December 5th but if we haven't seen any by Dec 21st then I would not expect management or the BOD to take a position.  Management has been duly informed that shareholders would appreciate their support.  Only time will tell.  Lets hope they decide to become shareholders.  

almost 8 years ago
Re: Message from IR

Rouge said; I agree and want to remind everone of the last line of the THM slide deck "Expect EBITDA positive in 2nd half of 2018". I think todays presentation is in line with that

Well, you missed the line immediately preceeding this statement. Also, from the May 17, 2016 THM corporate presentation;

"Product sales and anticipated NRE revenues within twelve months"

The new CP from today now states;

"Advanced stage discussions for NRE; expect first NRE revenue in 2017"

almost 8 years ago
Re: Compound dilution

On August 10th Mackwheaton wrote;

They may be 'rock star' managers, but at the moment I would like a 'rock star' epitaxial engineer.

The delays tell me it is more complex than they thought, and that suggests they may not know what they do not know. I think a frank discussion by AM, SV and SD should include the question, 'Are we the very best people available to address this very particular problem?' If the honest answer is "No", then go get that person and let's get this done. If the honest answer is 'Yes', then keep on rocking.

I have not forgotten this statement and I think this is very pertinent with what has just come to light today.

Some soul searching is in order until we get more information from the company but I now wonder if selling Poet and placing the technology in the hands of another company with more resources at their disposal would be appropriate? It was not an option I prefered but I think it certainly has more merit today.

almost 8 years ago
Re: re: €2040

Last year I went to the AGM along with Abel, Andy, Mazan, KGBInc, Maple Syrup, Snauser, Brightech, Babaoriley, Crolem (etc) and we all reported back to Agoracom without compensation. I would expect that many investors will do the same this year so what would be the advantage to fund one individual (from Europe) with the multitude of feedback and perspectives that will already be obtained? The Belgium event was unique and no known investors to our board were attending so it had some merit for funding a trip but if we are going to fund one that is geographically challenged then shouldn't we fund all?
If I can attend this year then I certainly will but I will not be requesting funding from Agoracoms members. In addition, Baba, Brightech and Snauser all live in California so the practicality of their attendance makes sense. To me It seems difficult to centre out "one" from the "many" in the case of a well attended event. Anyway, just ones opinion. GLTA

over 8 years ago
Re: SEMICONDUCTOR Today Editorial-VCSELs driving II-IV expansion-POET Technologies

The article was posted previous (Friday) but not the editorial.

Its interesting; you create this account today and your first post is;

Malus pumila wrote: "Was posted a few days ago."

The reposting of this article made you so upset that you felt compelled to create an account and post this as your first? You may have created a clever user name but your motive seems apparent. Keep up the good work as our latest board watchdog.

over 8 years ago
Re: Sheldon selling ... Its either done or very close to it. Onward and Upward!

Turr said; No one here, and I mean no one, supports POET more than I do. But I'll be damned if anyone here is going make me keep my mouth shut when I want to find some answers to very pertinent questions.

Relax. No one mentioned your name or asked you to stop.

As you invoked your right to question, I invoked mine to defend. Chill. I look forward to viewing your future DD on this and other subjects.

about 9 years ago
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