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KER Looking Good

Looks like KER is attracting some new buyers. There is huge opportunity given the Copperstone mine and a rising gold price. This should prove to be a big winner from current prices.

over 9 years ago
Re: The Irony

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.... The "powers that be", IMHO, are the corrupt banksters that have their leaders in Washington and the Federal Reserve. They are doing EVERYTHING in their powers to make their fiat currencies "appear" valuable....... I believe they were trying for many years to control the financial markets from imploding but it is unravelling as we debate, and it's only just starting. Netherlands repatriating their gold is just a hint of things to come.... How about the Swiss unpegging the Franc to the Euro today? I know THAT is not part of the plan!!!! The stuff is just starting to splatter off the blades of the fan..... Soon it will be every man\country for themselves and in that environment it's impossible to have a "controlled demolition". Finally, the eastern countries are licking their lips as the west tries to save their financial fraud from crashing hard. With quadrillions of dollars of derivatives, CDOs, and all the rest the electronic garbage assets it's guaranteed destruction........

over 9 years ago
Re: The Irony

Don't agree.... The corrupt entities in the US would like to spread their hegemony into the banks of China but the Chinese aren't that stupid and can see right through the American schemes. This is true for many other nations, like Russia. These countries are developing their own SWIFT like systems and it's just a matter of time before they remove their nations from the oppresive policies of the corrupt regime in Washington.

In addition, these nations are stock piling gold for several reasons. First, when you hold a depreciating asset, US currency, it's a losing proposition unless you immediately convert it to gold which is being manipulated down in price by the same corrupt regime in Washington. Second, when the US currency goes belly up, along with most other western currencies, you can back your new world reserve currency with gold. This make little sense to the idiots in the west that believe that fiat currency has value. To the people in the east gold has value, unlike the azz wipe printed in the west on a daily basis....

over 9 years ago
Re: The Irony


After the western fiat currencies crash the US puppet organization, The IMF, will be an impotent band of hardened and corrupt criminals with no support, power, or arena to wage their self serving crimes. At that point in time the new reserve currency is coming out of the east and it will be backed with tangible goods (gold), not the azz wipe of the west. The problem with the West is that they still think the world revolves around them, it doesn't anymore.

Consider how the rest of the world views the US printing 6 trillion dollars in that last 7 years...... Imagine the effort the rest of the world would have to expend in order to EARN 6 trillion dollars? In the new order countries are going to want to hold a currency that retains it's value. That is why China is buying all the gold available. It's a hedge against the massive printing of US dollars. Further, when the dollar crashes they can back the Yuan with gold. It's coming.....

The resulting reserve currency is going to be the Yuan when this all ends and that is when the people in the west are going to realize they're now going to have to EARN a living.... Not print it..... IMHO....

The people in the west are sooooooo naive.....Ask anyone what is money? You will get some bizarre answers. Ask them what currency is? Again, clueless.......

over 9 years ago
Re: The Irony

I understand getting whacked hard.... I've been there. On the other side of the coin I have made a lot of money buying big when everyone else gave up. This happened in 2008 after the last crash. I remember buying hundreds of thousands of shares of Century Mining between 1 and 3 cents.. Two years later it was trading at about 70 cents.... People were telling me I was nuts. I feel exactly the same way now and have been buying lots of different juniors. Picking the correct stocks helps, too.....

As for the FED... It is a corrupt organization that is losing it's power. There is only so much currency you can print before it becomes ineffective. Further, there is only so much physical gold the anti-gold cartels can sell into the market before their holdings are all gone. Between the FED and the cartels they have to be close to being out of physical. At that point the price goes higher.....

Check this out for fun..... this dude just may be correct!

over 9 years ago
Re: The Irony

I don't think you will lose SGR but I do believe that you will be diluted. It's too bad because I believe that all PM stocks have been crushed by the corrupt anti-gold cartels. I also firmly believe that gold and silver will resume their bull run this year and the anti-gold cartels have failed in their quest to destroy gold. All they accomplished was putting it on sale so the eastern nations could buy it cheap. Western societies don't understand how entrenched gold is etched in their psyche's. I've met people from the far east and gold is SOOOO much preferred over paper currency. It's just the way it is. The west is in for a fricken shock.

The good news is that for those with any cash right now you can take advantage of deals that have never existed. SGR isn't trading but KER has a market cap of 7 million bucks. That is an insane valuation for a fully permitted mine with full infrastructure in place...... This is a time in history when you will see life altering changes. Stories from the 1975 bull run are there where stocks went from pennies to hundreds of dollars. The next bull run is starting now and I think it's going to be insane.....

over 9 years ago
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